
Casa Lane

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Knowlton and co.


Treehouse + Cabin





Casa Lane


Shop our instagram

Shop our home

Knowlton and co.


Treehouse + Cabin



Where we shop  

THE BEST OF ETSY:  It will knock your socks off annnnnnnd knit you new ones… It’s THAT good.  Etsy is my besty.  Etsy makes me wetsy.  Etsy is all about what’s nexty.  Etsy is an off the hook artists’ nook.

Can you tell that I asked my pals on Facebook for an Etsy blog post title?!

We took a vote and the runner up titles were sooo funny, I had to share them with you!!

I seriously thought about writing this entire blog post with one sentence.


Dear Etsy.  I love you.  The End.


Okay, technically three sentences in Lynne-speak.  But still.


Etsy is freaking off the chain.

Jaw drop.


Let’s go on a wee journey together …



I’m a late bloomer, how ’bout you?

Truth is,  I’d heard talk of Etsy for years.   Now that it’s a quarter past forever, I thought it may be time.

I’m fast like that.

I feel as dumb as a stick for not paying attention to Etsy until now.   If I had a third leg, I’d kick myself with it.  Possibly in the back of the knees.



I secretly hate to be late to a party.  I have FOMO {{ fear of missing out.}}




You know how it is, right?  You get that naggy little jerk in your head going…


Should I really be searching that?  ETSY schmetsy … Should I?  Should I????

Should I really be searching one more damn thing online?

Yada yada yada.


Bite me. I’m doing it. 


You roll your eyes like a hot flashing, badass, awesome smart ass AND then you totally check it out.  On your terms.

Gawd, I love you.


It was worf it, wasn’t it?   Yeah.  Totally worf it.



Are you ready to drag yourself out of the vortex by your ankles, stir the pot dance, click your fingers in a Z formation while jumping up and down on the bed ???


You are clearly flexible and have great dance moves.


You are officially ready to check out the Etsy awesome sauce, you dancing fool.



Mind Blown.  Right?  

Mind. Blowing. Talent. Everywhere.


I simply can.not.stop.playing.in.Etsy.

I tried to find something that I wanted to hate about them so I could avoid them, but they kept making me like them more and more and more (did I say more?)

Am I addicted?  Oh hells yeah, and you are coming with me.

We can have a bona fide insta Etsy freak together.

Having fun?? xox


Why ETSY?   Why NOW? 


I thought I could get this blog post out to you sooner and tell you tons about Etsy in November. hahahahaha.  Didn’t happen, did it?   I crack me up.  I have massive expectations.  Then reality happens.  Again with the funny. hahahahaha.


I dunno about you, but my day runs out of daylight way too quickly.


When I am incredibly busy and my plate is über full, I like to compound it all by adding more time sucking projects to my list, other than what I am supposed to be working on.



Like making baileys.

I always have time for that.  Uhhm.  Yeah.


Baileys and Coffee


My fave thing to do when I’m overwhelmed and can’t sleep *rolls over in bed for the 400th time in a row* is to search Etsy into the wee hours of the night on my iPhone

Note to self:  iPhone = glowing weapon.



Do NOT,  I repeat, do not fall asleep while holding an iPhone over your face.

You’re welcome.

I’ve graduated to midnight snacks, my laptop and old lady reading glasses. I may be a menopausal old fart but I know how to shop from bed.




Cream  of   Wheat  owns  me.


It’s the way I’m going to shop for the rest of my life.  Not that I’m dramatic or anything.

Christmas, New Years, Birthdays, I don’t give a shit days… I’m shopping from my home.  Preferably from my bed.

Stamped it.


I hate malls <— I can’t even.

I live in the middle of nowhere.  Finding a mall is like finding Waldo.


How to pick which Etsy sellers to feature:

What did I do?

*eyes dart back and forth*

*head bops back and forth in every which way direction*

Etsy sellers can kinda sorta make you feel jelly jealous. You look at things and think, oh yeah, I bet I could make that. Then reality hits. You have this rare disease where you go blind and can’t use your hands when you’re around complicated crafts.  Or dirty dishes.

Searching online for f.o.r.e.v.e.r can bore you and put you to sleep in equal parts.  

It blows.

It’ll make you yawn like it’s your day job.


Then along came Instagram.  You son of a bitch.  I blame instagram for making me fall in love with Etsy.


I Love Instagram, So I’m Obviously An Expert.


Instagram is a hot social media platform.  Big brands take it seriously.  Small businesses adore it.  Artists excel on it.  Etsy sellers can truly highlight their awesomeness on it. Follow seriously talented peeps on instagram.  They’re all so talented, you won’t be able to decide if you should hug them or punch them in the face.



Are you ready for the ETSY jaw drop of the best of the bestest in the history of the universe?

Yeah, it’s going to happen.

You had better go pee right now.  Do it, or you’ll pee your pants later.






1.  Stamp it :

Want to put a wildly beautiful stamp on everything you do?  Oh hells yeah.

Need some ideas?   Michelle from Meesh Works made an illustration of our treehouse and Lindsay from Penny Paper turned it into a stamp!

Freaking talented, right?

If they weren’t my friends, I’d sucker punch them in the face.   I met Lindsay in real life (imagine that?) Real life.  She’s salt of the earth.   She’s my pal and I loves her.  She’s über talented, that bitch.  Browse her Etsy Shop.

Shall we thump her?


Penny Paper co. Cheers LOVE

Gold Foil Mini Card



Stamp made from Etsy

Penny Paper Co. makes rubber stamps


Drum roll {{and a little freak out dance}}



Of course, like a crazy lady, I went insane with happiness and stamped everything in sight. If it didn’t move, I stamped it.  Honestly, I am in awe of the sheer talent and big heart of Michelle.  Her instagram is insane beautiful.  She is warm, kind, talented and I am so very proud to call her my friend.



Gawd, I just got gushy there, didn’t I?

‘Tis the season to smooch your pals.



Then, oh then, I made mugs with her illustration.  Outta control, right?!

Someone had better be cheering from the cheap seats right now.



Who’s effing talented now?  Yeah, I screamed that.




But wait.  It gets better.  This is going to be an Etsy-gasm.

*triple flip across the living room floor*



2.   Christmas Card Downloadables:

Meesh sells Christmas card instant downloads of her illustrations.

Pay $5 once and print all you want.  You will scream.


Christmas Greeting Card Download



This home faves section is stuffed full of epic home finds.  I have a thing for HOME.

I also have a thing for tea towels and clean dishes, but not at the same time.

That would just be gross.



My tea towels = curtains.

Who’s weird now?  Yeah.  I know.


Treehouse sink


Okay, truth is, I think tea towels are also great for wrapping presents and, yeah yeah yeah, drying dishes.





I like this one, I’m swooning over these and I already snagged this one.  I met Amanda at a craft sale and she’s lovely.  The tea towels are so very pretty and BIG in real life.

Who doesn’t like BIG?

Never mind.

Some of these favourite finds are going in the treehouse this year.  Take THAT squirrels.


Oh wait, check out these ones too! …


ETSY Eat Well Travel Often

Eat Well Travel Often.  Okay.  Don’t  mind  if  I  do.



4.  For the hate love of winter.

I prefer to sit by the wood stove and roast marshmallows for dinner.  You? Creature of comfort?  Yeah, me too.


Here’s my faves


For the love of Winter on Etsy



Want to knit your own winter blanket?  Here’s a free chunky wool blanket pattern. Did you know that Etsy sellers have gorgeous wooden knitting needles and wool?



I know. I know. I know.

Freak out!!!



Downright sexy.

Gobsmacked. A free chunky wool blanket pattern via @lynneknowlton #knit #knitting #freePattern #chunkywool #blanket 5.  Fave Jewels

Gift ideas for HER : Hint hint.  Nudge nudge.  Wink wink. Jewelry.

We gals are easy to please.  Ha.  Insert big toothy grin.


Hand writing on jewelry on Etsy



6.   Gifts for him:



Men are usually pretty easy to satisfy.   Whatever the question, the answer is sex.


It may be a little less awkward to wrap and place these manly man, Etsy finds under a Christmas tree.



Graphic Tee on Etsy !

Graphic  Tee  on  Etsy !


7.   One word.  GOLD. 


Etsy faves in GOLD

For the love of GOLD


Rumplestiltskin, this is your year.   Gold is all the rage.


My fave gold finds on Etsy.  They are d’bomb dot com.




Live  It  Gold.  Yup.


Blogger heaven :  I even bought gold social media buttons  and a pin it button from ETSY!

Who knew?!


Social Media Icons in GOLD

Click  here  to  see  on  Etsy


* happy flip*


8.   TRAVEL :

Until Channing Tatum comes and whisks us away in his hunky dory arms, we’ll just have to dream of escaping to far away places.

If you’re going to escape, look good.


My travel faves on Etsy .


TRAVEL etsy faves

You want to kiss me now, don’t you?

Pucker up.



Are you ready to go forth and rock your socks on Etsy!?!!

Have a merry time!

Happy Merry Everything.  


Photo app collage



PS.  Want to know how I made those photos and most of the photos on me bloggity?!  It was flipping easy. Grab your instantly downloadable book here.  You can do it too.


Hint: The downloadable is free, you don’t need expensive camera equipment and it comes with a free pony. Okay, I lied about the pony, but I gave you a cupcake craving, didn’t I?

Welcome to my world.



Here’s a mug to go with that cupcake.  Spike it with some baileys.  Or wine.   Shhhh.


Miss Poppy Design on Etsy

Find  the  mug  here

Miss Poppy Design on Etsy

Find  the  mug  here


Really tho…

Happy Merry Everything.  


Wishing you a Merry Hoho, Happy Hanukah,  Happy Holidays.


Wishing you a Hairy Mistress, uhmm, Merry Christmas !!!,





Tell me about your faves!  Tell me about your holiday plans.  Tell me what you are wearing.  haha.  Never mind.    You dirty thaang.

Talk to me.

Where are you right now?  What are you doing for the holidays?!!  Are you ready for the crazies?

Warning:All the crazies come out over the holidays.  Drink.  Everything’s better when you’re tipsy.

Spill it!!



We interrupt this Etsy awesome sauce, with a Canuck ‘eh  …

Because I’m Canadian AND a Blogger (it’s as rare as eskimo pies and grizzly bears in Canada) I can earn a small commission when you buy from my links to Etsy.  It’s not enough money to buy my dream pony or unicorn.  Drats.

A girl can dream.

Every item that I’m sharing with you is something that I have purchased with my own piggy bank jar moola or am swooning over.

Big time.


I want you to know that it helps me if you buy through my links in Etsy.


Typically, bloggers earn enough money to pay for their liquorice eating habits.   Not that I have a habit.  Okay.  I have a habit.

I have purchased almost everything listed on this page.  Who has a problem now?! haha.

As always, I only write about what I freaking love on ze blawg, and that’s never going to change.  Ever.  In the history of Ever.

PS. I’m grateful from the bottom of my heart for any purchases that you make.  I’m even grateful if you don’t make a purchase.

I’m just grateful.

PS.  I love you.  Merry Christmas.



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