








Casa Lane


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I had a shopping challenge ahead of me yesterday.  Usually that’s an easy thing for me.  I chose white.   Pretty much everything in my home is WHITE.


A day in the life of a designer


Have a question about what colour to pick?


This week, tho… this week…. I needed an air conditioner.


I came home with white towels, wine glasses, white bed linens and white curtains.  I know I am not the only one who does that.  I am just admitting it out loud.  For those of you who have shopped at Winners….you know you can go in there for a bedside table, and come out with rubber boots and a fur coat.


I arrived home, late, with a big grin on my face, which I was trying (unsuccessfully) to hide.  I had the best day ever.  Convertible top down …..driving in my wee lovie of a car.  Wind in my hair, music up loud, coffee in hand, singing my fave tunes.  My hair looked like a rats nest and I had spent most of the day singing (but moving my lips like a ventriloquist when a fellow car passerby could see me really getting into the groove of my itunes- jacked up to the max)

Gawd, that is embarrassing.


P.s. I DID discover a new app….called CARTOONATIC .  Check it out !…..(that did, officially make my day complete). Read on…I discovered two apps in ONE DAY.  Bliss.



Upon my late arrival…..


Michael : Did you get the camp supplies for the kids ?

Me : Uhm, not really.  They were out of stock.  Probably not the best answer.  I am the smartest pencil in the pencil case, I know it.  I just had to figure out a way –FAST- to talk myself out of the hole I just dug.



Michael : How was your afternoon at Ikea and West Elm ?

Me :  Whaaat ??!   I have no idea what you are talking about.

Michael:  That’s odd.  You know, they have made advances in “on line banking” in this century.  Funny how debit card purchases show up instantaneously on the banking web page.  How was your lunch at “hoity toity ville”? teehee

Me :  You must have me confused with someone else.



So, as the day started to come to a close, I finally did actually go to HOME Depot.   I perused the paint colour charts/chips on the way to the air conditioning units.  Not a typical thing for me to do.  Why ? Because I like to see a sample paint chip that is a bit bigger than a postage stamp.  Dudes, that is punishment to most people.

However….drum roll….Behr paints, you impressed my socks off. LARGE LARGE LARGE sample paint chips.

Thank you for changing it up.  I think I may kinda like you again.

A happy moment indeed.


So, I gathered myself together, and continued my shop.  I didn’t find that AC unit, but I sure found a wee refrigerator for the tree fort.

Yes, I am plastering on that smile ~ can’t contain myself~


I didn’t have a measuring tape on me.  So , I stood beside it, measured how tall it was.  It reached my arm pit.  Figured out the depth of it too.  I hugged it, and I know it is as deep as my arms can reach.  That is technically MEASURED.  Do you think anyone walked by me, and thought….” Are all designers mentally challenged?!”

Doesn’t matter kids, I had a hoot of a day!  A day in the life of a designer.




Looking for answers to design questions?

Paint it white.


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