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Making an ABOUT ME video is like standing buck-naked in front of your mother-in-law…

And you think I joke. 


Having an online life has never been dull.


*  I type the words into the blog.  Why did I make that sound simple? NOT.


*  They somehow hit the page in some semblance of nuttiness order.  NOT.


*  I publish throw them out to the universe.  I even publish them when I really meant to just save them as a draft. [insert embarrassing moment]  Pfffft.


*  I cross my fingers and toes and hope that I only have 12 typos instead of 22.


*  I hope like hell that my kids don’t discover that I have a potty mouth.


*  I hope like crazy that my Grandmother never learns how to turn on a computer.



But a video.  A video takes online life to a whole new level of … I don’t know what.   I don’t have any words for it.  Only video.   That is what you will see today.


An ABOUT ME video.



Hot flash.

Now is your chance to run for the hills.  Go.  Skeat.   Skat.  Skedattle.  You may want to watch this video when you are a little bit drunk a little later on.  Just sayin’.


Funny shit happens when the camera goes on.

I have no idea why.

I have no answers.

There is no logic.

That’s right.  I have no logic.  What the effff ? LOL.


I just used an LOL in a blog post.  It is all down hill from here.  Next thing you know… there will be a happy face 🙂


Technically….I don’t even know how to film things properly yet.  I just turned on the video camera and prayed to the video Gods to have mercy on me.  Because I was going to need all the mercy I could get.


Have you tried vlogging ?


Vlogging means …. I don’t know what it means.  I just vlogged.  I just did a karate kid video move and went for it.  I don’t even know what that means.


I thought it was high time to grab life by the horns and just DO.  Balls-to-the-walls video making.  Okay, I don’t have balls.  I do have walls.  I wish I was hiding behind them right now.




Not gonna lie.  It scared the bejesus outta me.


Vlogging = Video blogging.


Uhm….No joke….That word just gave me a hot flash.


Why did I vlog?

I felt inspired by a friend of mine that I met on twitter.  Her name is Ann Wertz Garvin.  I fell in love with her when I watched this video clip On Maggie’s Watch.  It’s a one minute clip about her book On Maggie’s Watch.  For some reason, her video just grabbed my heart.  It was in that moment that I realized that a video can tell so much more about a person.  I knew she could someday be a friend of mine.   I could feel it.


Did I just sound like a corn dog?

Great.  Ann is probably locking all of her doors as of this very moment.


I wanted to make an about me video and do the same for you.  Since we are already friends.  You read my blog, therefore I’d like to think of us as friends.

I have been trying to convince my family for years that my online family is pretty epic.  Yes, that is YOU.

Help a sista out.  Write in the comments below and tell my family that you rock out loud.

Because you do.  Even if you are my imaginary friend.  An imaginary friend that drinks beer with me is a friend indeed.   Stamped it.  Pinky swear it.

Unless you are a weird-o.  Back to the skeet skat skedattle part for YOU.


Making an ABOUT ME video is like standing buck naked in front of your mother-in-law. Read about it on DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE.


Who knew that I would write a blog post about vlogging AND talk about how much I love to read a good book.  Who does that shit ?


The treehouse could crumble around me right now… and I would ignore it still keep on reading.  I can’t get my nose out of the book….or ….my lips off of the beer glass.  Just sayin’.

My life in a nutshell = Good book.  Treehouse.  Sounds of nature.  Cold beer.  Drowning away the memories of making a video…


Making an ABOUT ME video is like standing buck naked in front of your mother-in-law. Read about it on DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE.


Making an ABOUT ME video is like standing buck naked in front of your mother-in-law. Read about it on DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE.


Making an ABOUT ME video is like standing buck naked in front of your mother-in-law. Read about it on DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE.


Making an ABOUT ME video is like standing buck naked in front of your mother-in-law. Read about it on DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE.


Pretty damn exciting huh?  I hid all the empties for the photos 🙂



The shit got real when I had to kick into gear and make a video.


What the what what?

{ Eeeek }

{ Gulp }

{ Sweat on brow }

{ Lump in throat }


What did I learn about making an ABOUT ME video?


1.   I like bloopers more than content. Wahhhierd.  I know.

2.   I could think of a million other things to do instead of making a video.  More like a zillion things.  Really important things.   Like ironing.

3.   It’s all about the skill of the camera man and producer.  Neither of which I have.

4.   They say you should do one thing a day that scares you.  Yup.  Video making qualifies for that one.  Big time.  Like poop your pants, big time.

5.  Creating a video is definitely like standing buck naked in front of your mother-in-law. Maybe worse.  Definitely worse.

6.   Do not and I repeat…do not…show your Aunt your first video cut.  She will give you a panic attack with her feedback.  Yes, I love your honesty ~ Auntie Gail.  Thank you.  I think.  I might have preferred to be naked in front of my mother-in-law.  Yup.  Definitely. I would have preferred that.

7.   As soon as the camera was turned on… that was my cue to want to run for the hills.  Super fast.

8.   I don’t want to talk about it.

9.   I have no idea why I am talking about it.

Buckle up kids, this day just got awesome....

This video is for you.

Welcome to my imperfect life.

I’m officially a turd.


This is my first step at giving you a glance into who I am.  I hope you enjoy it…..

*I’m closing my eyes… I can’t watch it*


It’s a hum dinger.  I think I will view it at a later date.  Possibly when I’m drunk.

Now you MUST subscribe to my blog.  It’s the right thing to do. LOL. Ohhh eeemm geeehh, sorry about that LOL again. Ha!

Enter your email for weekly awesomeness… sometimes less than weekly… but who is keeping track? Not me. 🙂

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If you want to buy Ann’s book you can find the kindle version of ON MAGGIE’S WATCH  and paperback version here.  Get ready to kick back and enjoy the ride of her beautiful story.

With much love,


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