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ETSY.  It’s my favourite. My forever favourite. I’m not even exaggerating. Wait. Do you know me?

Porcelain gingerbread    |   Wool Blanket   |    Edison Light Fixture

Michael asked me if I was going to be doing my holiday shopping on Etsy again this year. He recalled the time he checked our online bank balance and I not-so-innocently handed him a spiked coffee.   I do all my shopping online.  WHY?! Because shopping in a mall is like swimming in the sea and getting hit in the face with a jelly fish.

Duly noted.  Me no like.

Online shopping is the yin to my yang.

ETSY is my spirit animal.

There are exactly fourteen thousand one hundred sixty three shopping choices slash gift guides out there today, so I’m just going to cut to the chase and show you theeeeee best finds on Etsy.  You’re welcome.

Get ready to SHOP! <–I’m not yelling at you.  Yes I am.  LESGO.

50 best finds on ETSY + $500 giveaway via @lynneknowlton @etsy. Enter to win!! You got this!!

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14


Theeee best finds on ETSY

1.    I want this *stomps foot*

2.     I’m so obsessed with this ring. I don’t have one, but I’d like one. Hint hint….hint?

3.    I can’t get over this colour. Will you buy me 48493730958 of them?

4.    When I spotted these amazing marble coasters, and ooooh these ones… I believe I may have screamed.

5.    Check out this moroccan rug.  I practically had to breathe into a paper bag.  It’s a splurge for sure.  You’re welcome to gift it to me, if you want. I will NOT be mad at you.

6.    Man, I love white candles. Any candle called aaaaamazing, must be amazing.

7.    Raise your hand if you’ve eaten cheese & crackers (and wine ) for dinner. Let’s be real, you may have found yourself in an elbow-deep cheese situation.  You totally need this cutting board.  It’s also not terrible for you, because hey…cheese and WINE.  Justification all around.

8.     Gimme this stamp. Right now. It’s stampilicious.

9.        It’s holiday time. Good things come in trees.

10.      It’s called a POUF because paradise was taken.

11.      Oh you pretty thing.

12.      I ordered some of this merino wool so expect to see it used in about fifty billion more projects.  It’s in these chunky wool blanket patterns here and here.   Ooooo, and I ordered this one too.  Socks and blankets are my bliss.  Merino wool is my dope.

13.      I don’t own these gold & white pillows. Yet. *Sniff sniff*  A girl can dream.

14.     You can’t EVAR have too many of these.

15.      Hello.  This would make your camera look totally on fleek.

16.      I’m like, next-level obsessed with these washcloths.

17.      Slow down go go gadget.  You’re too cool for school.

18.      The branding on this linen set is sooooooo gorgeous for gift giving.  How’d they do that so fabulously?  Did I mention that I hate them?  Let’s punch them in the face.  PS. I ADORE THEM.

19.      Wash your pits and naughty bits.  SOAK.

20.      Lose yourself in napping heaven.  Please return if found.

21.       I must sound like a doof, but I honestly didn’t know this kind of mural even existed.  LOVE.

22.     I have a secret. I love these. Please don’t punch me in the shins. I just feel like they would make any Christmas tree so very happy.

23.     I’m like… wait a minute…. two of my favourite things… coffee mugs …coffee…kind of combined. I’m dead.  PS.  This mug is HILARE.

24.     I don’t like morning people. Or mornings.  Thankfully, coffee gives me unrealistic expectations of productivity.  I own this mug. I’d marry it if I could.

25.     These concrete thing-a-ma-jingies.  Adorbs.

26.    Whoa.  How are these even REAL?

27.   It would be totally awesome if someone could deliver this cake to my face right now.   Cake stand included.  Please and thank you.

28.    This is quite possibly the most trashed up thing you’ll see this side of Christmas.  But I want it.  Judge me.

29.    I have the street smarts and survival skills of a poodle but somehow I think I could survive if I was wearing this.

30.   I can’t. Even.  See you never.

31.   I kid you not. Best thing ever.

32.   You’re a nutter.

33.  Do you think this will make me look classy and refined in the kitchen?  Don’t answer that.  I just made cookies for dinner so take my words with a grain of salt.

PS.  Didja know that we have the teeniest weeniest polka dot bikiniest Etsy shop?  It’s here.

PS.sss.sss.  Here's a round up of all the featured ETSY faves in one spot.

Now go buy some presents { for yourself } <– who said that? Me.

I hate presents. Said no one ever.

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