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10 ways to make your house a HOME.


T E S T I M O N I A L S 


I love your ideas, your blog and your photographs.   MOST of all, your sense of humour. You make everyone feel like your best friend and that you’re “talking” just to them..  Thank you.


Love this gal…great ideas and she always makes me laugh.  I get her weekly blogs….LUV HER!


You, Lynne Knowlton, have hands down the greatest linguistic artistry I have come across in blog land. Super standout style. Thanks for gracing us with your online presence! And your positivity. And your pretty decorating. 🙂


I stumbled upon your lovely blog while looking for a chunky blanket knitting tutorial, and there you were! I watched your YouTube video and laughed, and then I cried while watching your husbands cancer video. Looking through your blog has re-lit a fire in me to rebuild a lovely life around myself.  Thanks again- from the bottom of my heart.


The reason I chose to visit your blog today was to remind me of how vibrant life is and how many soul-swelling, heart-clutching, and thought-sparkling moments are yet to come. Because every article on your blog practically jumps off the screen and squeals, “LIFE IS AWESOME!” So thank you.


I came across your page and literally burst out laughing at least 10 times.   I’m always super stoked to read your blog and  I just wanted you to know that you’re my one and only blog that I ever read.


You are so funny and fun and sweet and goofy and I love reading what you write. My best friend just died and I needed somebody (a girl, not my husband) to say “you’re awesome!” to, and I hope you don’t mind but I picked you.  It’s been nice to meet you and I’m glad you were born! And I hope you’re guy is ok. My mom had cancer.  I’m so sorry for all of you and that whole thing. Keep up that wonderful joyful spirit.


I just received my knitting needles, and I AM IN LOVE! Thank you so so so much. I cannot express how amazing you are.