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Attacking cancer | Dear cancer, here's a can of whoop ass. Open it. | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | Lynne Knowlton

Hey cancer, here’s a can of whoop-ass. Open it.

Dare you.

Double dare you.

It would appear that blog readers hanging around here are out to open a can of whoop-ass on cancer too.

Take that cancer.

And shove it up your whoop-ass.

  We are kicking ass and takin’ names.


You are it.



It is OK to get angry at cancer.

Angry as a pistol.

When cancer steps into your life, you want to throttle its presence.

Well~ go ahead.

Hoodwink it.

Play dirty.

 Take advantage.

 Get the upper hand.

Attacking cancer | Dear cancer, here's a can of whoop ass. Open it. | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | Lynne Knowlton

Whoop its ass and take its name.


Blogging surprises me every-single-day.

Why?  Because of YOU.

 When I started this blog I had no idea that I would meet some ahhhmazing souls.  To tell you the truth, I had no idea that anyone would even read the blog.  I had no idea that blog comments would land so deeply in my heart that it would take my breath away.  Your blog comments just grab a hold of me.  Some of them make me cry.  Some of them make me laugh out loud.

 All of them inspire me.

The comments move me to write more.

When I first started blogging, a business mentor of mine advised me not to write about cancer.  It is depressing, he said.   Don’t do it.  Then, I promptly did it.

I wrote about cancer.

There was an elephant in the room.  The elephants name was cancer.

Who can ignore an elephant ?

Not I, said the sheep.

I couldn’t help myself.  My fingers just typed and words just came outta my mouth.   Potty mouth.  Cancer just triggers words that are politically incorrect and downright offensive.

People usually stand back and take cover when I use that C word.

That hush~hush motherf*cker C word.


That word jolts me outta my seat.  Well, that is what cancer does in our lives.


 So why not fight fire with fire?

Why not fight it with love and throw in some laughter along the way?

Attacking cancer | Dear cancer, here's a can of whoop ass. Open it. | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | Lynne Knowlton

At the time when I started this blog, I had something to say about cancer.  I still do.  I think I always will. WE all do.  Your comments and emails tell me that you have something to shout at cancer too.  You voice it.  I am so proud of you.

They say… if you are going through hell in your life…just keep on going.


Makes sense to me.  How about you?  We all keep on going.  We are all just out there taking the first step.  Then the next one.  One step in front of the other.  That ~in of itself ~ is monumental.  The best way around something is to just go through it.

There are no mysterious ways.  It isn’t a tsunami of swagger.  Just walk one foot in front of the other. Before you know it, you are there.  You made it through the heartache.  You made it through the tough times. You also found the good times.  The ones that made you laugh out loud.  You found the good stuff.  You made it.  That is how you get through cancer.


Baby steps.

Then big steps.

Then leaps of faith.


Attacking cancer | Dear cancer, here's a can of whoop ass. Open it. | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | Lynne Knowlton

I believe, as a blogger, we should write from our hearts.  We should be authentic and true to our words.  The real stuff.   Not the stuff that makes us sound cooler than what we really are.  Just real.  Quite simply… real.


Write.  Write without being afraid to catch hell for it.

{{ It is scary as hell at times. }}

But write it anyway.

  I want to kick cancer in the crotch and I don’t want to ever be afraid to say it.

YOU are what helps me to shout out my words to the cyber-verse.   You are what gives me the courage to keep writing.  You are why I write.  You are my inspiration and encouragement to put pen to paper.

It is sometimes so hard to write the perfect words to capture it all.  So I Write.  Then Rewrite.

Write. Rinse. Repeat.

Coulda ~ woulda ~ shoulda

Attacking cancer | Dear cancer, here's a can of whoop ass. Open it. | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | Lynne Knowlton


But the words finally come out.  Whether I get them perfect or not….you are there for me to tell me that I am not alone.  I am so very grateful.


I need to remind myself that I won’t die a thousand deaths if I can’t get it all down exactly how the words seemed to sound in my head.


My goal is to inspire others to change their mind about cancer.  Change our thinking.  Not look at it through rose coloured glasses, but rather live our life with rose coloured glasses on …with or without cancer.  To live a fascinating life is to live a full life.  You can do it simply.  Do it REAL.  Do it with laughs and do it with love.  One step in front of the other.


Cancer talk. Unfiltered.


 Real life.  The awesome things in life.  Do you ever feel like you just want to stop, pause and take notice of them?  Do it.

You know all those things you have always wanted to do?  Do them.

Notice the simple pleasures in life.

The beautiful souls around you.

Attacking cancer | Dear cancer, here's a can of whoop ass. Open it. | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | Lynne Knowlton


I want to say THANK YOU.  Thank you to the beautiful readers behind my blog.  Thank you for always commenting.  Thank you for taking the time to read my nuttiness.  YOU are my inspiration to keep on blogging.



I recently received a blog comment and email from a complete stranger. A stranger ~one moment ~ a friend ~ the next moment.  Her name is Jessica.  I just had to share what she wrote :


I just discovered your blog.


I went to go to bed last night at an early time to get some extra zzzz’s and decided to check out pinterest on my phone.  Then I discovered your blog.

An hour a half later and a 1/3 box of used Kleenex crumpled on my bedside table… and I’m a devoted fan.

I adore your fresh take on design, but mostly I love your raw and honest writing about life, cancer, struggle…mixed with kick-ass humour.

You inspire.  You’re a beautiful person inside and out, and it radiates through your work,  design, your works, art and style.

The world needs people like you.

I’m studying to be an RN and I’ve lost people in my life to cancer.  I’ve never heard words that resonated so close to my own thoughts.

Have you written a book? I currently have a nursing instructor who is compiling her 25 year of nursing experience coupled with her incredible ability to write (much like yours). I will be the 1st to own a copy when it’s out. Well, probably the 8th, after everyone in her family.

Anyway, have you written or thought about writing a book? Seriously, when I write what I write I mean it.

Your words touched me so much and made me want to punch cancer in the throat.  And then it made me think that the way we approach cancer with our language and our attitude may be totally wrong.  Cancer is an entire experience and every type is different, and each treatment is different and the individual environments it occurs in every time it rears its ugly head is unique. It is so much more than a medical condition/disease/life-fucker.

It’s a whole entire experience.

Your blog is going to totally transform the way I see my clients and their families.

I think that you could help so many people because a lot of folks look at cancer through the traditional, medical, pop-culture and media created pair of out-dated eyeglasses.  And it’s not working for a lot of people.

So maybe, just maybe…we need a splash of cold water in the face and boot in the ass. Verbally speaking, I mean.

And I think Lynne Knowlton could deliver that face splashing and ass kicking.

Just sayin’.

Peace out and keep doin’ epic shit. I know I’m going to start putting more effort into exactly that.

Thanks for the inspiration.

I wish you the best and keep on keepin’ on.


Attacking cancer | Dear cancer, here's a can of whoop ass. Open it. | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | Lynne Knowlton

Thank you from the bottom of my heart Jessica.

Thank you so very very very much.

Thank you to each and every one of you out there in the blog-o-sphere.

Thank you to those who share my blog posts, write comments and just keep coming back for more.  Thank you to the readers who read my posts and don’t even leave a comment.

 I know you are there.

 I can feel the epic {{ hugs }}

Thank YOU
Thank you.  

Was this a serious blog post?

 How weird is that?!

This shit got real.

 Continue to be fabulous.

For reals.

Take over the world with love.

Don’t be ordinary.

Go way beyond ordinary

Live extraordinarily.

Notice the small simple pleasures.

They all add up to extraordinary.




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