Instagram is such a wild beast, isn’t it? For some, it’s a place to dabble and for others it’s a place to monetize like WHOA, ka-ching ka-ching. For better or worse, it’s the place where brands, retailers and bloggers are exploding onto the scene. I’ll share my fave instagram editing tools (video!!), how to monetize your instagram and insider secrets to d’best damn instagram photos evahhhhh.
Oh, you’re a model ? What’s your agency? Instagram
You look gorgeous. What’s your secret? An instagram filter.
I'll show you how to get great at instagram, you 'grammer YOU.
Growing instagram followers is like taking a long romantic walk to the fridge. Both are tempting and regretful, all at once. It’s bloody hard to grow your instagram following. Bloody, stinking hard. It takes a lot of get-up-and-go-go.
It’s like eating a donut.
It sounds tempting until you are two bites in, and then suddenly you hate yourself.
But we try, don’t we?! We try. try. try.
Why? Because Instagram is FUN and it makes your heartbeat find a rhythm that’s a little too fast.
Let’s shed some light on the sit-chu-me-ation . I’m just spitballin’ here… but the door to growing instagram followers can feel like it’s locked.
Locked flipping tight.
Naturally, that just makes us want to kick it in. But of course it does.
KICK … but admire the door track hardware *wink*
If you’re anything like me, you probably sweat bullets on how to grow your instagram following.
Instagram is the doll of social media right now. It’s a sizzling hawt tamale. It’s worth the effort, dammit Janet.
{{ Even if your name isn’t Janet. }}
Who can turn down a bag of chips?! Not me. Shhhh.
If you can turn your nose up at chips, slam your computer closed right now. We can’t be friends.
Here. Drink a smoothie.
Confession: I am obsessed with smoothies and this blender. Every.Single.Day.
That there, Missy.. was a truth bomb. Want more truths?
Here we go…
On the other side of the coin, some peeps seem to be in no rush to grow their instagram following. Really? For reals? You are in no rush? Fabulous. Beautiful.
Who’s dramatic now? Never mind.
I digress.
This is depressing
Growing followers should have a purpose. Legit. If you look at fashion bloggers, gussied up to the nines… note this…they are reaping the success on instagram. They have a purpose. Fashion. It’s leading to MONEY for them. Ka-ching.
Why can’t pyjamas be fashionable? Why? Whyyyyyyyy? Pfffft.
I live for jammies
What’s your instagram purpose? Driving traffic to your site? Selling products? Growing your brand presence? Sharing your travels? Inspiring funky adventures?
Jelly jealous of the fashion grammers ? I am. <– I confess.
Truth is, as tempting as it may be to copy-cat others, it’s better to share what excites YOU.
Share it. But puuuuhlease share it with some pretty pics. Not perfect pictures, because that’s just annoying. Life ain’t perfect, man.
For me, I get excited about sales on home stuff, Edison bulb twinkle lights, massive amounts of candles, treehouse retreats , cupcakes, linen curtains and airstreams. Not all at once. That would just be gross. 🙂 Home decor may be yawn worthy to some, but it makes my heart explode.
HOME. It rocks my socks. Or I have rocks in my socks. A photo posted by Lynne Knowlton (@lynneknowlton) on
Still with me?
I promise I’m going to land this instagram plane.
Don’t yawn.
Are you thinking ??!!… DAMN…. it’s one more app to figure out …. goody goody gum drops..
*Forehead slap*
Sort of. I’ve noticed something lately and I’m desperate to know if I’m alone in this and/or drunk.
1. Fashion bloggers = bajillion followers. Check out this fashion blogger. She has a license to print money on instagram and it ain’t monopoly money. I don’t know if I want to celebrate her success or punch her in the face. Yeah. I decided. POW.
2. Then, oh then, there’s the rest of us mere mortals. Keeping it real, sista. Keeping it real.
Here’s my secret to instagram photography success:
a. Hang out of car window.
b. Close lips tight || best bug deflector ||
c. Snap pic.
d. Admire my drive by shooting.
e. Consider myself a badass
VSCO cam app editing
Edited with VSCO
Yup. You guessed it. VSCO
There’s a couple of ways to earn some bananas on instagram…
1. Work with brands that you looooooooove and share their awesomeness. Brands can provide product, you can provide an audience.
Win. Win. Fun. Fun. Sip. Sip.
2. RewardStyle.
RewardStyle is the shopping tool used by bloggers/publishers to bring in revenue on the products they promote. It’s a win win. Why?
Let’s say that I adore this, this and this. Which I do. ADORE. I can share it with you on instagram, social media or my blog and then you can easily see where I bought it. No need to drive all over hells half acres to figure out where it came from.
It takes one click. Boom. Solved.
You can buy the same product right from your email inbox. Oh. La. La.
Peeps sign up to Rewardstyle (it takes seconds and it’s free) and when you see an instagram photo with a URL in the caption, you can give it a “like” to receive a product link in your inbox.
Here’s an example of what it looks like :
Why hello there Sunday. Relax. Rinse. Repeat. #liketkit
A photo posted by Lynne Knowlton (@lynneknowlton) on
If you click the link and end up buying something, the publisher/blogger who posted the link gets paid a percentage. It is a small percentage (like, we couldn’t buy a unicorn or pony with it) but it is better than nuttin’.
It’s supes difficult to get in as a RewardStyle publisher. You need minimum blog traffic of 50,000 – 100,000 page views per month and a super engaged audience.*
* Or sleep with Mr. RewardStyle. I totally made that up. But still.
Do you feel like, if your photo isn’t stylized, styled, whitified and sharpified… well then… forgettaboutit ?
I can help ya.
Over the last few years, I’ve tried four-thousand-two-hundred-and-twenty-two-photo-apps to make my photo editing easier.
What an oxymoron. Or moron. I think I was both.
I’ve been using VSCO to edit my photos for about a year now. It is my go-to awesome sauce of photo editing for instagram. I made a video for you. Yeah. I just love ya like that.
You can also see the same VSCO video here on YouTube. Before VSCO cam, I tried to Superwoman it and use every single app on the face of the universe.
Do you like free? I know I sure do. Free gets exponentially better when that something free also happens to be something totally awesome.
It’s d’bomb dot com.
You got this. Sit back and admire your badass work.
What’s your fave app? What’s your biggest instagram hassle? Do you have some hot instagram tips? Share with sugar bear. I’ll send you a donut. There may be a bite out of it.
Maybe 2 bites.
7 bites.
Wait. I ate it.