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Too funny! Who knew that an air conditioner could be funny??


My brother is a pretty funny guy.  As we get older, he gets funnier.  He also isn’t any less shy than he ever was.

He has never been shy. Oh to have a shy brother. Dreamy.

He typically blurts out his random sentences at me~ ones that knock my socks off laughing.

He is the goofy looking one on the far right of this photo…



I will never confess that he usually makes sense with those random funny statements.  I will always go on, pretending he has lost his mind….AND….I will always go on …telling him that our parents found him on some church door step ~ in a basket.


The interesting thing about Mikey is that he may be my OLDER brother, but he has NEVER, AND I MEAN NEVER given me any kind of decorating~design advice.



Uhhhmmmm that’s a good thing.


First of all, I would probably give him the hairy eyeball for trying to give me design advice ~ and second,  I would thump him.

His idea of great decorating is to put the beer fridge close to the Harley in the garage and use careful consideration by placing it close to his golf clubs.  Wait, that all sounded kinda nice.  Don’t get any fancy thoughts, there is nothing decorate~ish about him.

And yes, I am aware that I AM THE ONE ~ who looks mentally challenged in this photo.  He dresses me like this if I want to ride on that crazy bike.



Our recent WINDOW AIR CONDITIONER conversation:


Mikey:  Oh my Gawd, Lynne ….is that a window Air Conditioner in YOUR WINDOW ?!!!


Me:  I have no idea what you are talking about.  I don’t see anything.  Ok, ok, uhm, yup.


Mikey:  Do you have any idea how ugly that is?  They make REAL air conditioners now.  You know the kind….the ones that you DON’T SEE.  Have you lost your mind?  Where did you get that hunk of junk dangling out your window?


Me:  It was a gift.  I would never look a gift horse in the mouth.


Mikey:  That thing is gross.


Me:  I’m ignoring you. (That’s what I normally do.)  Talk to the hand, the face ain’t listening.


This weekend …..we had a WEDDING at our home….


I am a real party animal, so I hit the hay around 10 pm.  The party was just getting started.  In the barn.  Barn dancing. Sounds kinda cool, huh?   There is a chandelier in that barn.



Haha, jokes. Jokes. Ok, so it not THAT chandelier..but it is a cool one…..( for a barn)…just ignore the basket ball hoop in the background.



I have to keep those FOUR kids happy too 🙂



It was meant to be a dance floor and a place for funky bands and music.  Barns are waaaaaay to pretty to put hay in them.




Did you know that a lot of people STILL really like the song …..Y-M-C-A ??!!

(Little whisper voice in me….I DON’T….someone shoot me when that song plays)

So, in my moment of absolute brilliance and wisdom, during the YMCA shout out,  I thought I should close the windows and catch some winks. This is how my night went…

1.  Window on the far right….shut it

2.  Windows in the dormers….shut those too…

3.  Window on the left ….shut it…


Oh MY GAWD, mother of earth, seriously…. there was an air conditioner in THAT window.


So there I stood.  P.s. My home is THREE stories high, and it is big ass tall…and….YES…the A/C was in the HIGHEST POSSIBLE WINDOW !





Did you know that an air conditioner can leave a window at warp speed ?!  I just stood there.  I think they call it SHOCK.  I looked down.  It was official.  The window air conditioner was dead.  I then noticed that the electrical plug was STILL in the wall.  Little frayed bits “just a dangling.”  I unplugged it, and whirled the electrical cord out the window too.


OMG, I stood there, and thought…LYNNE !!! ….put your mind in a happy place.  You are in T-R-O-U-B-L-E



Next day….our friend (the air conditioner GIFT GIVER) came over to our home.  There it was.  On the driveway.  Still.  It had narrowly missed my little convertible.  If it had looked as if it was heading anywhere near my VW that night,  I would have jumped out the window to catch it.


Our friend: Is that the air conditioner I gave you ?


ME:  Uhm. Yah.  It is not working very well.  I think you better return it.  It’s faulty.


Note: No one was technically killed during this air conditioning event.  With the exception of my flower bed.  I may never ever never ever ever ever stop laughing.



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