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Subscribe to Design The Life You Want to Live. A witty design and lifestyle blog by Lynne Knowlton


Want better, not more? 

I’m not like a regular newsletter. I’m a cool newsletter.

Design The Life You Want to Live is your all-in-one hot spot for design tips, home decor ideas, and belly laughs.

I’ll show you how to make your house a home in a fun and easy way and you’ll be all: whaaat?!!

And I’ll be all:


You are about to get a front row seat to designing the life YOU want to live.

More life.  Less rush.


Let’s hang out.


Design The Life You Want To Live Banner Image


Not so sure?

My not-so-frequent-infrequent newsletter most often goes out on a Friday morning or when I have something supercalifragilisticexpialidocious to say.  No spam. Not even in a can. I protect your email with everything I’ve got. I never sell lists, or share my subscriber list with anyone. Not even my Momma.  She’s dangerous. haha.

You’re also welcome to unsubscribe from my list at anytime.  It takes seconds with the click of one button at the bottom of any email that I send.  Easy. Peasy. I promise I won’t toilet paper your house.


F R O M    B L O G    S U B S C R I B E R S


I just love your writing style and your house style and I’m always so happy to see you in my inbox



Did someone actually call your blog a blob below in the comments ?! The humanity!! I love funny typos almost as much as I love your funny as hell, effervescent, beauteous soul. Thanks for mailing it rain sunshine in my inbox. XO



Lynne, my darling, are precious. Whenever I read your notes, no matter my mood, or head space at that
moment, I find myself laughing out loud. You have seen me through cancer and more. You motivate
me to keep knitting, decorating, laughing and enjoying everything. Thank you for being you and
sharing that with us.


If you are not following Lynne Knowlton, you are seriously missing out! She’s comic cold, insanely inspiring and can we just talk about her interior designs ???????? omg, all the white draws me to her account and blog, all.the.time! Ok now I just sound like a stalker ????. I like to believe I’m more like a super fan ????



I just received my knitting needles, and I AM IN LOVE! Thank you so so so much. I cannot express how amazing you are.



Aint nuthin’ like a Friday with you in my inbox. You always, always, always make my day.



You, Lynne Knowlton, have hands down the greatest linguistic artistry I have come across in blog land. Super standout style. Thanks for gracing us with your online presence! And your positivity. And your pretty decorating. 🙂



I love your ideas, your blog and your photographs.  Most of all, your sense of humor. You make everyone feel like your best friend and that you’re ‘talking’ just to them. Thank you!
