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Photobucket....It is a bucket load of laughs.

Have you ever tried PHOTOBUCKET photo editing ?

Holy smack dab….Awesomeness with a capital A.

I was so excited about PHOTOBUCKET I had to type it in cap’s.  My cap lock button is reserved for top drawer, back of the bus, best-est ever awesomeness.  I lie.  It is also reserved for when I am smoking mad.

You know how that goes.

Type it in CAPS LOCK and somehow the other person will be scared out of their pants of your words.  That sounds nuts just typing that.  What was I thinking?  I would actually need a poster sized font to really make my point.


I have been in search of photo editing options to make my photos look like I did something spiffy. I wanted to do this with little effort and not a lot of big bucks.  Zero bucks, actually.  That’s right, I wanted big returns with $0 financial outpouring.


I wanted a program that was not only free, but one that I could learn in a snap.  Lightning speed learning.

I would rather spend my extra time in the day baking apple pie.

Now that is really important.

Reading a photo edit list of instructions is ….YAWN.

 I knew I wouldn’t do it.

Bake a pie = YES.

Read a manual = NO.

So get ready.  Now that I have given you an apple pie craving,  I am also going to knock your socks off with showing you how to edit your photos.  You won’t believe the things you can do.  Yes, you can even create a collage…..

Read more about how to use the photo app PHOTOBUCKET


As a blogger, I was looking for a free photo editing website where I could add text on photos.  Easily.  Like super easy.  I find it quite inspiring to take fun photos, but the icing on the cake is the ability to funk them up with some character.   Once in a while.  Stir the pot.  Put some love on your photos.


Read more about how to use the photo app PHOTOBUCKET


Photobucket rocked my world.  There was no reason to be a scare-d-y cat.  It was, in fact, easy.  I just jumped right in.  Pushed all the buttons.  I even impressed myself.  I somehow even discovered new funky ways to pull pranks on my kids.  I created this photo and posted it to my daughters Facebook.  Aren’t you glad I am not your MOM?  I bust a gut laughing so hard doing that.

Tears down the eyes.

I sense a payback coming on soon.


Read more about how to use the photo app PHOTOBUCKET


Photo editing is not something that I excel at.  Drinking margarita’s.  Ok, that I can do like a pro….when put to task.   I am not NEW.  I can party like a rock star.  I can not party like a rock star.  I am in bed at 9 pm.

Why do I always tell the truth?

It is the internet.  You would never know if I was lying.  My Mother would somehow know though.

Nuff said.


Read more about how to use the photo app PHOTOBUCKET

I am new to photo editing.

 If it is complicated, well…I tend to look the other way.

 I cover my eyes and sing

“la,la,la… I am not listening “

“Talk to the hand, the face ain’t listening”

 Yes.  That is the extent of my photo editing in a nut shell.  Until now.

Read more about how to use the photo app PHOTOBUCKET



Now Photobucket isn’t all goof ball stuff. Ohhh contrare.  You can do some artsy stuff in there too.  That is where the creative comes out !  And you don’t even need a creative bone in your body.

Go figure.


Read more about how to use the photo app PHOTOBUCKET


One day, while in Paris, walking around at Jardin des Tuileries and outside the Louvre….I was struck by some interesting views.  Every statue I looked at seemed to make me THINK….and maybe smirk a little….



Read more about how to use the photo app PHOTOBUCKET


I know, I know, Paris isn’t exactly the first place that comes to mind when you think of funny.  I get that.  I  lived there for 2 years.  I’m reading your mail.  French culture does not equal FUNNY.


Stunning beauty, YES.

 Culture, YES.

Funny, NO.

Read more about how to use the photo app PHOTOBUCKET



Finding the funny was a survival technique for me.  I had to mix in some laughs, amongst the embarrassing-non-stop-moments-of-speaking-franglais.  It was a humbling experience, to say the least.  So I balanced my moments with some smiles along the way.



Read more about how to use the photo app PHOTOBUCKET


I suppose I will never get bored.  I swear, I even pinkie swear, in this next photo…. I did not put that white masked dude in the picture. He was REALLY hanging out of the Louvre.   Real deal.


Read more about how to use the photo app PHOTOBUCKET


This next photo was of a guy who can seriously multi-task.

A man.


Imagine that.

 Teetering on his toe, holding a torch, wearing wings, swinging a chain and sporting a star on his head.  Nothing is askew.  Not to mention the fact that he did it all NAKED.


Read more about how to use the photo app PHOTOBUCKET


Yes, I captured a photo of a naked man, multi-tasking in some pretty funky garb.

Rare moments happen sometimes.

May your photo editing, text adding, collage creating moments be forever as

 Easy as Pie

to do.

Here is the link again…..Photobucket



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