The Treehouse Today
Update: This is a super old blog post about the treehouse. As tempting as it was to DELETE IT, eeeeek… I wanted to share these BEFORE pics of the treehouse.
For more current photos and fun treehouse stories.. search the word treehouse in the blog search bar. Complicated, right? LOL. xx
Tree fort living is where it is at.
I am on an official treehouse marathon.
Can’t seem to tear myself away from it.
I am incognito. Off the map.
Out to lunch. Gone to Margarita~ville.
It is in-describable how good it feels to sleep amongst the sway of the trees , and the night time sounds.
Ok, ok, sometimes I am totally chicken, but we are not going to really talk about that.
What could possibly get me?!! A cow ? A horse ? I am sure I will survive.
If not, this is my cry for help…come find me , if I never post again.
Oh, I have my excuses, for never leaving my “new official home, errh…hideaway…escape from dishes”….
Listening to the rain
Reading a good book
Listening to music
Sipping vin rouge
Sure , I have been attacked by the odd moth, but heck, I am still alive and well.
Note to self : Do not turn on iphone in the pitch black, and play around in twitter~ville. If there is a moth in the room, he will do the face bounce ~ phone bounce ~ off the head bounce ~ I felt like a human swatting machine with arms flailing and getting no where.
I looked like I was doing the chicken dance at Octoberfest.
Thank Gawd, I was not being video recorded. Em-barr-ASS-ing.
I look this next shot from the bedroom loft of the fort, this morning.
Can you blame me, for not dragging my fanny out of bed? Uhhmmm, yup, this is what happens when your contractor LOVES creating tree forts.
Wish I could swing the camera in a 360*, so you could see the dormers. Only my head can do a 360* Linda Blair, when a moth gets out of control and does the nutty dance on my head.
A girlfriend stayed over last night. We sat on the front porch of the fort and talked until the wee hours about one of our favorite places ~ PARIS !!
We did manage to try to dream up tree fort names.
Thought we may even name it THE GIRLS CLUB HOUSE .
Don’t tell the boys.
I will have to break it to the kids, when they get home from camp ~ Mommy is living in the tree fort for the rest of her life.
Over and out.
The hours just get away from me. I forget about things like dinner. Grocery shopping.
Food schmood.