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11 Super-Dope-Rad entrepreneurs you must read. STAT.

I have a disease.

It’s contagious.

It’s called awesome.

We all need to share in spreading awesomeness, don’t we?

Let's celebrate the awesome.

Starting now.

Ladies and Gentlemen… start your woot-woot engines!!  Vroom. Vroom.


 11 Super-Dope-Rad entrepreneurs you must read. STAT. You won't want to miss this. Read more on lynneknowlton.com


I’m spreading

the contagious

awesomeness to you.

My  fault.

Your problem.


oh my

Okay…. alrighty now, don’t go thinking I am getting too big for my britches ….

Technically, I’m an expert in awesome.

I’m a lover of all things awesome.

Same thing.

It still equals awesome.

So there.

Want to catch it?  It’s so easy, you floozy.  Here’s how :

Follow these people.


These entrepreneurs are the cats pajamas and the bees knees.

They will float your boat, slam your door, milk your cow, fly your kite, plant your flowers and shoot your puck.

Uhhhm…. They may even have your baby. Ewwwwh.  Forget that I just said that.   I’d like to apologize in advance for my behaviour. (insert big fat toothy grin)


These entrepreneurs may just change the way you think.


Go READ THEM and find out.

I dare you.

Double dawg dare you.

Do it.


The Art Of Doing Stuff

 11 Super-Dope-Rad entrepreneurs you must read. STAT. You won't want to miss this. Read more on lynneknowlton.com

Karen is a pistol of awesomeness.  A funny one.   Although it is her chicken coop in the city that first drew me to her… who does a chicken coop in the city ??!!

Uhhm.  She does.  Love it.

It s her drive and determination as a blogger that rocks the cyberspace and will captivate you from day one of reading her.

She is the go to gal if you want to learn how to do stuff.  Any stuff.

She is, after all… The Art Of Doing Stuff.

PS     Whether Karen wanted to be or not, she is my blogging mentor.

PSS    And I love her.  Stamped it.



lisa ferguson

 11 Super-Dope-Rad entrepreneurs you must read. STAT. You won't want to miss this. Read more on lynneknowlton.comAlthough I met Lisa Ferguson online many moons ago, this summer was the first time that I spent real life time with her.

She is one smart cookie.

She also makes you feel like a million bucks.  Maybe a bazillion bucks.

She is kind.  She is beautiful.

She wholeheartedly believes that by working together as women…we elevate each other.   She is the monarch of strengthsfinder. The Goddess of collaboration.  The Queen of truly connecting women with women.

You can find her on twitter here and on Facebook here where she helps others to elevate, give and get.

She rocks like that.

I luvvvs her.  Gush.



 11 Super-Dope-Rad entrepreneurs you must read. STAT. You won't want to miss this. Read more on lynneknowlton.com

Copyblogger quite simply rocks the blogging house of the universe.

Want to grow your content?

Want to write epic shit?

Want to be a blogging rock star with purple hair ?

Okay, maybe not that ~

Copyblogger is the holy grail of blogging.

You can talk to Brian Clark on twitter too.  He says stuff that will make you smarter.

He wrote back to me.  Once 🙂  I happy danced all over the living room.

Copyblogger will change who you are as a writer:

There are only two elements your content absolutely needs to succeed.  Get them right and everything else you do is gravy. Get them wrong and you will be broke, lonely, and funny-looking.


Shit.  Suddenly I feel funny looking.



My Beautiful Paris

 11 Super-Dope-Rad entrepreneurs you must read. STAT. You won't want to miss this. Read more on lynneknowlton.comNorma is my bestie.

She has stood by me through thick and thin.  She would take a bullet for me.  Maybe even stop a runaway train with her bare hands for me.   She would throat punch someone if I asked her.

Every word, every location, every book, every moment that Norma writes about on My Beautiful Paris… is first hand experience by her.  Every little bit of it.  She pays for it out of her own pocket.

Merci buckets Norma.

She has a love of Paris that could knock your socks off with exuberant excitement. If you ever need a travel planner for Paris, she is your gal.  Want to talk to her?  You can find her tweeting out Paris awesomeness here.


live the fine life

 11 Super-Dope-Rad entrepreneurs you must read. STAT. You won't want to miss this. Read more on lynneknowlton.comKathy.  Kathy.  Kathy.

Oh me, ohhhhh my.

She is a whole lotta awesome.

I first met Kathy online (shocking, I know) and we spent real time together this summer at the Blogger Retreat at my house.

Kathy is salt of the earth.    The real deal.  How do I know that?  She put up with my furry jerk cat.  Yes, my cat hustled her in my hammock.

How do I count the ways that I lovesssss her?

1.   You have to love a woman who can write about lady balls and vaginas.

2.   She has the ability to quietly slip out a funny one liner… It will make you pee your pants laughing.  I mean.  Really.   Outta nowhere.  Bust a gut.

3.   If I asked Kathy to come bail me out of jail, she would do it.   Like that.  No questions asked.  Bottle of wine under arm.  We’d be outta there.  Smiling.

4.  She is one of the most loyal, big-hearted souls I have ever met on this beautiful earth.

5.  Her site is full of great ideas, photographs, interior design inspiration… it’s just full of gorgy gorgeousness.  Just like her.

You can find Kathy spreading the love on twitter.  Go say hello.  Tell her my cat said sorry for the hammock attack.  *Although she is a good sport*


A Beautiful Mess

 11 Super-Dope-Rad entrepreneurs you must read. STAT. You won't want to miss this. Read more on lynneknowlton.comSwoon worthy blog.  Sahhhweet awesomeness of amazeballs.

A Beautiful Mess is the work of art of two sisters… Elsie and Emma.

They have absolutely no idea who I am.

Zero.  Zip.  Nada.  Zippity-do-dah-day.

They have a ton of DIY’s, recipes, home decor… the whole shebang.

Inspiring.  * I dream *

I pretty much tweet out every.single.blog post that they write.  Because they rock like that.  I dream of making it on to their at home with series some day.

Some day.

Maybe when I’m 102 ?!!

Go tell them that they should feature me and my home sweet home, will you?  Tweet it baby !  I will kiss you for it.



denise wakeman

 11 Super-Dope-Rad entrepreneurs you must read. STAT. You won't want to miss this. Read more on lynneknowlton.comLuckily for me, Denise is my sister-in-law.  I have no idea how I lucked out with that one.

She has helped me to take my blog from hobby to business.  She has taught me how to increase my online visibility.

Denise even taught me how to be a black belt at Pinterest.

How did I do it?  I hogged her at all dinner table conversations.  I locked her up in our treehouse for days.  AND I cyber stalked her blog.  You should do that too.  It will change the way you think.

She has been tweeting since the beginning days of twitter ! Imagine that ?! A legend.


middle finger


 11 Super-Dope-Rad entrepreneurs you must read. STAT. You won't want to miss this. Read more on lynneknowlton.comIt’s bold.

It’s provocative.

Oh la la.

Do you want to break out of the status quo and be a hussy with your words?

Want to have a love affair with your business ideas?

Want to learn how to swear when your Mom isn’t looking?

Want to market the hell outta things?  Holy Batman.  The Middle Finger Project.  They teach you how to roll with the punches.  They will teach you how to be as tough as a two dollar steak AND have fun along the way.  Their posts will make you smile.

They are edgy.  They are real.  They are epic.

* They will make you want to slap your head and dream… I can do it.  I can do it ! *

Sarcasm, inappropriateness & stray sombreros included.

Tweet ’em up here.



 11 Super-Dope-Rad entrepreneurs you must read. STAT. You won't want to miss this. Read more on lynneknowlton.comRachael is splendiferous.  She is the divine baker in the history of bakinghood.

She may very well be the Princess Leia of baking.  She may not have buns in her hair, but she can sure bake them.

I think.  She hasn’t made me dinner yet.

Or met me for that matter.

But she inspires the hell outta me to write real.

Go meet Movita Beaucoup on twitter.  She is equal parts cursing sailor and Martha Stewart.  Tell her I sent you.  Tell her I want to have din din with her.  Oh, and p.s … I want cupcakes for dinner.  With a ballerina on top.

Any gal that bakes a ballerina cupcake is a friend of mine.  And yours.

Go read her blog and get ready to laugh.  Meet Miss Movita.  Beaucoup.  Beaucoup.


Life Of An Architect

 11 Super-Dope-Rad entrepreneurs you must read. STAT. You won't want to miss this. Read more on lynneknowlton.comBob is not only an architect but he may very well be the male version of me.

Okay… okay….except I am not an architect.  Who’s splitting hairs?

Nor am I talented in an architectural way.

Come to think of it, Bob might definitely have hairier legs than me.

He is legit smarter.


You will love his nitty-gritty details and his real life happenins’ on his bloggy blog.

I will be row row rowing my boat gently down the you’re an idiot stream, when he catches wind that I am gushing about his site in a blog-struck-nerdy-dork way.

 Go read it.  You will love The Life Of An Architect.  Or him.  Take your pick.  He’s espeshhhhily famously awesome in an architectural way.

 Tweet the dude.  Tell him I said hey.   Tell him I shaved my legs.  Great.  There goes my only link to reality.  Hairy legs.  Whaaa?



Life of An Architect !


Want more blog awesomeness?

Here is my list of all time yummers in the blogging world.

Did I forget some?  Oh hells yeah.   There are more.  I know it.  Bring it.

Share more here in the comment section of the blog.  Let us all be a victim of your blog sharing fabulousness.

And ~

To tell you the truth … what I read and discover in the comment section here on the blog is usually waaaaaay more interesting than what I have to say.

I love your words.

Bring it.

Leave a comment.  You wild thing.  You make my heart sing.

Oh, and PS.

You will get an epic KickAss Photo app book for faaahreee, when you sign up to the bloggy.   It will blow your mind.

Do that here :



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