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Airstream + Treehouse + Cancer = It's the wild wild west of nuttiness

Todays blog post is a little bit of everything. Cancer. Treehouse Shenanigans. Airstream renovations.  It’s wild!  A real smorgasbord of things in life that make you go ackkkk and ahhhh, all at once.  Like life, it’s fast and  bass ackwards.

Where’ve you been?   JK.  It was me.  I was MIA there for a while.   I was caught in the tornado of life.  A real shit storm.  Life Lately, was rolled up into some belly laughs & the occasional panic of pant pooping.

More on that later.  Can we just talk about airstreams?  Just for a sec.  Oh.La.La.

Look what I drove by one nutty day….

Airstream + Treehouse + Cancer = It's the wild wild west of nuttiness
3  men  and  a  baby


Airstreams are my favourite.  My forever and ever favourite.  In the history of ever.  I’m not even exaggerating.  Wait.  Do you know me?  

When I f.i.n.a.l.l.y spotted a 31 foot, 1976 airstream for sale, I believe I may have screamed.  I definitely screamed.

I bought it.  Then, I totally celebrated with beer. A girl has to do what a girl has to do.


Cue the music. Listen to the angels singing.  Okay.  STAaaaP the music.

Have you ever peered inside a vintage trailer? You need an imagination, nose plugs and a whole lotta tequila.  It looks and smells like 1976.

Gag. Barf.

I mean, I like 1976 and all, but I liked the smell of it back when it actually was 1976.

Airstream   BEFORE
Airstream  AFTER  (almost)
MY AIRSTREAM RENO PLAN: Fly by the seat of my pants. 

My goal for the airstream was to paint everything… WHITE.  Surprised?  I am a white loving hussy, after all.  Shhh.

I lurve white and the staggering simplicity it brings to a space.


When I started to paint everything white, I realized that it was like putting lipstick on a pig.   I painted it (video on instagram) then, I promptly gutted it.  I do life backwards like that.

 Let’s not talk about that.

My friend and fellow airstream owner, Pete Walker described my airstream renovation style like this:

This is getting really funny – we have such different ways of doing things…

I’m a psycho-detail “how-many-threads-on-that-bolt”, and “what’s-the-metalurgical-composition-of-the-stainless-steel” kind of guy.

You (apparently) are a “let’s-just-tear-the-living-dogshit-out-of-it-and-see-what-happens” kind of girl.

I rolled up my sleeves and threw my face into it.  That, and a few hundred gallons of primer.

I forgot to take photos of the priming process because I was in a paint coma.

Processed with VSCOcam with s2 preset

|| Champagne Faucets || Eco friendly flooring ||  Throw Pillows || Candle ||  Wallpaper ||

Want to see more?  I wouldn’t hate it if you followed me on instagram to see the airstream  journey from fugly to fab.  As a matter of fact, I’d probably smooch you.  Mwah.

Didja see that quick before and after?  Didja?  It only took 49,786 hours 🙂  I will be doing a whole before/after series on the blog.  It’ll be so good.  You’re going to lurve it.  Buckle up.  It’s going to be a wild ride!!!  Stay tuned.


Cancer Stepped Back In

Cancer.  There.  Said the word.  I ripped off the bandaid and just said it.

Having cancer in your life is like hanging out with a drunken friend.  You never know what they will do.  Tweet it

You may remember from past blog posts that my hubby Michael has cancer.  Cancer has been whirling around like a crazy lady swinging her purse in her Sunday best.  Cancer can be a real jerk face.


Cancer can shake a family up.  Sometimes we land on our feet.  Sometimes we fall over.  Actually… mostly … we fall over.  I think this post really captures how many of us feel about the mofo called cancer.

Normally, I can work and think (which are probably the only two activities that I’m able to do at the same time) but even that has been a shit show lately. I’m not typically a worrier.

Right now, I’m worried.

I’ll tell you more about that later in another blog post. K? K. xx

Weeble wobbled and her head fell off.

Baby steps, right?  Baby steps.



I haven’t chatted about the treehouse in f.o.r.e.v.e.r.  The last time I chitty chatty’d about the treehouse it was here –>> Nice bum, where you from?  Teehee.

Now that we are talking about your bum, here’s the treehouse bathroom….

Treehouse latreen

Are you so bored right now?  Stay with me, I’m going to land this plane. I organized a treehouse photo gallery, because I can manage easy tasks like that.

Pictures, easy sneazy.

If it is any other monumental task, like gardening …I’ve got this rare disease where I go blind and can’t use my hands. Or a wheelbarrow.

Where were we?? Oh Yeah.  Treehouse.

Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset

Well, that’s all I have for you.  That, and a promise to get back to blogging more often.  I have a cancer post coming,  a before/after series on the airstream and crazy before/afters of our home to totally inspire you.

Hang on to your socks, this is going to be a wild ride!

Pucker up.  MWAH !  Smooch.  Gawd, I’ve missed you.  


Shop the story:

Faucets c/o Delta Faucet,  GrandBarista c/o Saeco, EcoLay flooring,  Gold Knots wallpaper c/o Hygge and West, High gloss white Formica countertop, Throw pillows c/o Tonic Living

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