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Create artistic photos with this app. It's brilliant


with my handy dandy favourite app.

I have declared FRIDAY as app loving friday.

There you go, I have a habit of creating national holidays.

Everyone, leave work, and go and download this funky app called CARTOONATIC.

The CARTOONATIC app is where it's at via @lynneknowlton #photoapps #bestapp #photography #cartoonatic

TreeHouse LOVE

 It’s Friday, hopefully your absence will go by un~noticed…

if only for a quick moment.


The CARTOONATIC app is where it's at via @lynneknowlton #photoapps #bestapp #photography #cartoonatic

Cartoonatic works on any phone.  It will make your life better and prettier.

 Well, maybe not, but you will have learned something new and tried something funky.

The CARTOONATIC app is where it's at via @lynneknowlton #photoapps #bestapp #photography #cartoonatic

The icing on the cake is that this app makes your photo taking skills look so brilliant.  It will seem as if you painted the picture or edited it on some in-depth photo edit program.  Something that was surely difficult and complicated.  BUT NOOOooooo.  It is EASY !


The CARTOONATIC app is where it's at via @lynneknowlton #photoapps #bestapp #photography #cartoonatic

Cute Harley Effect

It is great to jump at all chances to appear brilliant.  I do it, especially in front of my children.

 I like to exude brilliance.

These moments don’t come by every ~ single ~ day.

The CARTOONATIC app is where it's at via @lynneknowlton #photoapps #bestapp #photography #cartoonatic

TreeFort View

For every one of these pictures~ just know ~ NOTHING IS EDITED.  Ok, I normally don’t have a whole lotta filter.  This time, I am referring to the actual photographs.

Every picture is in the raw.


 Zero edit

 I shot all pics from the tree house.  I am having such a hoot in that tree house.

 I think I should start a club.

With a secret handshake.

The CARTOONATIC app is where it's at via @lynneknowlton #photoapps #bestapp #photography #cartoonatic

Lost Strawberry Effect

So miss smarty pants that I am, thought I was some big fat expert in Cartoonatic.  It took my 12-year-old son to help me realize that the app also has a bizmillion effects in it.

 That app already had me excited when I realized it had a sketch effect.

The CARTOONATIC app is where it's at via @lynneknowlton #photoapps #bestapp #photography #cartoonatic

Silver Mitch Effect


My adorable son helped me learn on a whole new level.  Gotta love a new playing field.   And an adorable son.

 Every picture looks like a drawing.  For a mosaic artist {like moi} that is over the moon exciting.

 Can you dream of all the possibilities ?

 And all with your TELEPHONE CAMERA !!!

I’m screaming now.

The CARTOONATIC app is where it's at via @lynneknowlton #photoapps #bestapp #photography #cartoonatic

Scarlet Moka Effect

If you are like me, I like an app that is smooth to navigate around.

 I don’t want to take the time to read * read * read.

I just wanna play * play * play and take a ton of pictures.

The CARTOONATIC app is where it's at via @lynneknowlton #photoapps #bestapp #photography #cartoonatic

Reading time

I like to work hard and play hard, so time is of the essence.

I need the time to read, to chill, to work.  Don’t we all?  Time “to do things” just matters.

I just push all the buttons in the app until I find what I really want.

I roll like that.

The CARTOONATIC app is where it's at via @lynneknowlton #photoapps #bestapp #photography #cartoonatic

You do not need a fancy dancy hoopla of a camera to take some funky shots.

P.S.  It also creates video !!  I am going to need waaaaay more coffee to start working my way into video.  That app had me at all the bazillion effects.

 I am not easily excited.  Ok, I am.

The CARTOONATIC app is where it's at via @lynneknowlton #photoapps #bestapp #photography #cartoonatic

 While working (aka, reading and taking pictures) in the  tree house …..  Guess what Michael was up to in the tree fort-tress?

Yup, helpful. :-).

The CARTOONATIC app is where it's at via @lynneknowlton #photoapps #bestapp #photography #cartoonatic

Honey Bee Effect

It was a bit of a crisp cool day.  I lit the fire in the tree house wood stove.  I didn’t even burn it down.  I should get a prize for that.  Non?

The CARTOONATIC app is where it's at via @lynneknowlton #photoapps #bestapp #photography #cartoonatic

This next one is one of my favourites.

 I play favourites.

The CARTOONATIC app is where it's at via @lynneknowlton #photoapps #bestapp #photography #cartoonatic

Now I declare, that is a pretty awesome way to create ART, without a paint brush.

 It took the click of a button.

The CARTOONATIC app is where it's at via @lynneknowlton #photoapps #bestapp #photography #cartoonatic

Robotron Sr Effect

Even as an artist, you can take your shots, and then use them to recreate other art.

Mosaic art.

Or a painting.

 It takes the guess-work out of shading and colour placement.

 Everyone will think you are brilliant.

The CARTOONATIC app is where it's at via @lynneknowlton #photoapps #bestapp #photography #cartoonatic

Except me.  Now, when I make a mosaic from a photo, everyone will know where my brilliance came from.

The cat is out of the bag.

I like to share my secrets


in turn

share my brilliance.

The CARTOONATIC app is where it's at via @lynneknowlton #photoapps #bestapp #photography #cartoonatic


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