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Do you love typography? Want to know what font is on a website or blog? Gotcha covered. Read more here.


Have you ever browsed a website, and wondered what gorgy gorgeous font it was?

There are about fourteen thousand trillion billion gazillion fonts out there in the cyberverse.  How do you find out which one is which?

I have a magic secret for you.   You will be able to discover the name of the font.



Today’s tip has nothing to do with how to code a blog, download fonts or any of that shenanigans…given that I have absolutely no business doling out pointers on anything that has to do with intense computer code or deep analytical thinking.  Deep thinking gives me a headache.


I’d rather take the short cut.  How about you?

Up until now,  I bet you couldn’t figure out the name of your fonts.


What the what what??!   What.


No fair.

You are going to lurve this little secret.  No more font guessing for you.


Fonts are bombalicious.


Let’s go on a font adventure.

Note :  This sort of adventure can be good times and it can be hell on wheels *flares nostrils*

Ask my web team about font adventures.   I’m sure they want to brush my teeth with a brick right now.  It has been two years, yes… two years… of sending them font emails like this :


“Oh look at this one.  Ohmmmergerd.  Check out this font.   I luurve this font.  Dang sexy font.”


A total font nutter.

Fonts are pure eye candy deliciousness.  If a font had a butt, I would grab it.   I would definitely roll around the hay with it.  I’d have nasty font sex and spawn font babies.


” Look at that font.  I want to tap that quesadilla.”


I know you must be all kinds of weirded out by now.   Stop staring at the computer screen.  I can see up your nose.

Fonts get me so excited.  Pumped up like an energy bomb.   I could jog to Texas right now.

The point of all this font business is that it got me thinking.   I’m not alone.  You do it too.  I know it.  Right? Right.   Say yes or I will punch you.


Hello, my name is Lynne.  I blog because I am not a good

rapper and I’m addicted to fonts.  So there. 


Here’s the deal :


We can waste a lot of mental anguish and time just trying to discover which fonts are which online.  That kind of anguish can drive any grown adult to want to drink rum from a sippy cup.  Those hours will have disappeared, never to be seen again.  Buhhh-bye.

Right?  Right.  I’m reading your mail.  I’ve got your number.

I hope you drink well with others.  We can get through this together.


Secret solution :


WhatFont  to the rescue.  It will blow your mind.

Nod your head and follow along with me for a moment.



The best tool for finding fonts.



Now you can have font-gasmic fonts.


The swag.

 The bee’s knees.

 The booty to bootylicious.




The coolio thaaang about Whatfont is that you just hover your mouse (cat or dog) over any text and the name of the font is revealed.  Like magic ink.


1.     Download whatfont and store it in your bookmarks tab for easy access any ol’ time.

2.    Open any webpage.  Preferably one that you have been dying to know the font for.

3.    Now go up to your tabs toolbar and click on your whatfont tab while on that bloggy webpage with the mysterious font.

4.    The whatfont box will show in the upper right side of the page.


This is how it will look :

 See it right here?

Look down.


The best tool for finding fonts.




5.     Hover over any text on the page.  Whatfont will tell you the name of the font, the size… the whole shebang !!!!!!  Holy batman.


The best tool for finding fonts.



6.    Mind blown.

7.    Mystery font revealed.


Aren't you special?   Clap yourself up.


Now that you have it all figured out, here are some typography rules to live by …


Follow these rules for fonts on your website or blog.



KISS {keep it simple stupid} rules :


1.    Try to have 3 or less fonts on your site.  It is an easier read on the eyes.

2.   Use your fun fonts sparingly … for example.. in captions and headers.

3.   Keep the main body of your blog post fonts a very simple easy to read font.  Nothing cray-cray.   You want it to be easy to read on mobile devices.


There.  Done.


Lynne, interrupted :

Hey, cool things happened in the internets land this week :

Cool stuff happened on the internet this week. Read more on www.lynneknowlton.com


**  This dog.  I can’t even.  He will make you say yeah to everything.  It is hilare.

**  I tweet, therefore I am.  This weeks twitter profile pet peeve :  “Views shared here are my own. ”  Oh no you di-idn’t.  Well who the hell else would have shared them? You wrote ’em doofass.

**  I have a thing for food.  But not when I cook it.   Good news:   I can wash dishes like a rock star.  Because I have these faucets.  They make me a better chief cook and bottle washer.  I wrote about them here.


Your turn !    What’s your favourite font?  Let me know in the comments.

PS.  The font in the comment section will make you feel like you can print like a pro.  You see, grade school was worth it after all.  Take that, cursive writing class.

This has been a public service announcement.

I heart you.

Talk to me.  Talk to me.  Whisper sweet font nothings in my ear.



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