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Casa Lane

Bali Event Sale


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Oh Switzerland! You sure grabbed a hold of my schnitzel.

Because my schnitzel was the only thing that was warm in Switzerland. 🙂

Well… and my heart too. Switzerland warms the heart and soul.  Right down to your Schnitzel.


The people, the sights, the sounds, the cities, the mountains….



Why does my front lawn look like a thousand dogs pee’d on it, and these rolling hills look like a gift from the Schnitzel Gods?  Stunning !!



Hillside bliss. Gorgeousness.



I wanted to stand on this hilltop and yodel, but I was with friends.  I was afraid they may feel the urge to throw me off of the side of the mountain. That may have been manageable, if  they threw me a schnitzel.  And maybe a goat.  With a bell.



How a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e are the goats in Switzerland ?!



And a Swiss Army Knife.  Holy stink, are those AWESOME or what?  Holding a Swiss Army Knife makes you feel like you are 007.  You can do anything with that little pocket knife of awesomeness.   I think I could have whittled my way back up the mountain.  Maybe it is best to not equip me with weapons like that.  It is waaaaay too much fun in a pocket.  One could occupy themselves for hours with a Swiss Army Knife.  You can open wine, slice cheese, and disassemble a small car engine.  Magic.



~ Beautiful Swiss MAGIC ~

Beauty is everywhere!

I had a wee problem in Switzerland:

  For the life of me, I can’t figure out why my friends didn’t teach me how to yodel.


Tragically, I also had the RICOLA commercial stuck in my head for an entire week.   It only seemed right to scream Riccccoooola from a mountain top.

 At least my head thought so.

I felt the urge to punch myself in the head.

But the cookies side tracked me.

Saved by the cookies.

And the beauty of the mountains.


Mountain LOVE. How beautiful would it be to live there?!

Yodeling is still used in Switzerland by the Alpine Farmers to herd cattle from the mountains.

 ^^^      Did you just read that??!!      ^^^

Helloooo, I bet you weren’t expecting such incredibly useful knowledge.  Ricccooooola and yodelling knowledge.  Aren’t you happy that I have that word stuck in your head too?

 Do you want to yodel it from a mountain top? My bad.

After visiting Switzerland, I came up with a plan:

I think I should try to Yodel from my front porch at home:

‘ I will herd the family to dinner (a.k.a popcorn) ‘

Our house sits on an ant hill compared to the mountains of Switzerland, but hey…it could be worth a shout out.


Go with your GUT feeling !



I don’t know about you, but the smell of popcorn and warm butter is enough to melt anyone’s heart and make them come running to the kitchen.

Non?  If you say NO, we can no longer be friends.

POPCORN is my bestie.

 I may forgive you if you bring chocolate.

 Swiss Chocolate.

And a latte for accompaniment.  Thank you very much.

Latte LOVE

One other Swiss problem : My packing embarrassment.

 Dear Switzerland,  It is summer.  Love,  The flip flops that didn’t leave my suitcase.



All the pink colour in Switzerland was on the walls, not my cheeks.

My bad. Who is stupid enough to pack flip flops to go to the mountains?

Uhhm. Shut up.

P.s. If you travel to Switzerland, don’t pack your flip flops, dummy.  Who does that?

Steeple LOVE

Mother nature is so beautiful. So seriously beautiful.  Switzerland has is all wrapped up.  In beautiful mountainous packages of bliss.

Have you ever watched this BEAUTY video??!! :



Doesn’t that just make you sit back and think…wow…mother earth is one incredible place to be??





Just there.

How lucky are we that we get to see it?

 We live in it.  

Natural beauty is all around us.

On our mountain trek (aka walking for 30 minutes), we stopped and stared at some goats along the way. Yes, even the goats are gorgeous.  Until you smell goat urine.

Just sayin’.

I forgot about mother nature for just a second and dreamt of nose plugs.  If there was a nose plug store along the way, I would have stopped and paid about $1,000.00 for a nose sealed deal.

See how long my mother nature love lasted!? About 3 seconds.

The smell of goat urine can bring a grown man/woman to their knees.

Which way? Which way OUT?



I lie. It was gawwwhorgeous. I was so side tracked by my pockets full of chocolate and wiener schnitzels, I didn’t dare even think about adding nose plugs to the pocket mix.

I had to draw the line somewhere.

What travel destination warms your Schnitzel?!

My definition of Swiss-land:   The land where ‘melt in your mouth’ chocolate meets cookies.  I topped if off with wine, Swiss cheese and the occasional schnitzel.

 I may never poop again.


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