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Faucet Giveaway: What rhymes with faucet? Schmaucet. Win one via @lynneknowlton @deltafaucetcan https://lynneknowlton.com/roadtrip/


There’s a ginormous announcement today, so you better sit ‘yer butt down. We got this.  I’m personally a professional.sitter.downer.  I don’t run unless I’m being chased.

Where were we?  A ginormous giveaway worth $700 smackers.  It’s all very badassery.

We can do badassery.  Right?  Right.


Faucet Giveaway: What rhymes with faucet? Schmaucet. Win one via @lynneknowlton @deltafaucetcan https://lynneknowlton.com/roadtrip/


I also have another wee announcement….

I don’t like morning people. Or mornings. Or people.




I have no idea why, but I’m guessing the people who owned my house before me had an intricate plan for buying a faucet.  Find the ugliest, cheapest gnarly one.  Pay $24 for it. Use it for a zillion years. Watch it weeble wobble until its head fell off.


Something like that.


To fix those faucets would have been like putting a bandaid on a bullet wound.  Lipstick on a pig.

You too?  Fugly faucets?  Let’s have an invisible internet friend party ( aka road trip ) and fix this grossness.  It’ll be the best thing ever.   Say buh-bye to your fugly faucets.



There’s more. Winding roads.

The other wee announcement is that this post is kinda sorta a bit of sponsored post.  Wait.  Is that like being kinda pregnant? No.  I’m not that.

I approached my favourite brands.  I asked them to HAaaaLP me make a road trip happen.


Faucet Giveaway: What rhymes with faucet? Schmaucet. Win one via @lynneknowlton @deltafaucetcan https://lynneknowlton.com/roadtrip/


Faucet Giveaway: What rhymes with faucet? Schmaucet. Win one via @lynneknowlton @deltafaucetcan https://lynneknowlton.com/roadtrip/


Faucet Giveaway: What rhymes with faucet? Schmaucet. Win one via @lynneknowlton @deltafaucetcan https://lynneknowlton.com/roadtrip/


Faucet Giveaway: What rhymes with faucet? Schmaucet. Win one via @lynneknowlton @deltafaucetcan https://lynneknowlton.com/roadtrip/ 


Many brands said no.  Geesh.  I know, right?!  That made me cry in my ‘why doesn’t anyone like me??‘ journal.

A few said yes <– that’s when I back flipped across the living room floor.  In my head.


Dewds, let me tell you, it is super duper supercalifragilisticexpialidocious difficult to earn income as a blogger, even if you have a popular blog.  I don’t want to deflate your love tires, but holy batman, blogging is hard work.  It drives a girl to drink.  Wait. Was that my outside voice? 


When a brand stands behind me and cheers me on.. well, that just makes me warm and fuzzy.   Tequila does that too.  But still.

I hope you check out the links in this blog post.  It really helps me, which helps you, which helps me to help you, and therefore helps us both.


What?   Where were we?


A road trip happened.

I hit the road with Denise Wakeman and Mia Voss.  I’m about to show you 35,984 photos of the road trip from Denver to LA.  Get excited.  I took a bunch of photos while hanging outside the car window.

I didn’t feel stupid at all.  Not one single bit.


Faucet Giveaway: What rhymes with faucet? Schmaucet. Win one via @lynneknowlton @deltafaucetcan https://lynneknowlton.com/roadtrip/


Faucet Giveaway: What rhymes with faucet? Schmaucet. Win one via @lynneknowlton @deltafaucetcan https://lynneknowlton.com/roadtrip/


Faucet Giveaway: What rhymes with faucet? Schmaucet. Win one via @lynneknowlton @deltafaucetcan https://lynneknowlton.com/roadtrip/


Why travel?  

It’s the bees knees.  Procrastination and work were also sucking the life outta me, straight through a twirly straw.


I was about a week away from being a greeter.


Travel also puts a massive smile on my face.  It’s my favourite. My forever favourite. I’m not even exaggerating. Wait. Do you know me?


Yesss, we had some problems.  Windshield bug splat problems.  Right in front of me. Bugs. Splatted.  Right. In. Front. of. Me. Ewwwwwwhhhh.  I was thoroughly wigged out.  Gag. Barf.  I’m okay now.  Thanks for asking. 🙂


For my photography sesh’s, I just kept my mouth shut (for the most part) and snapped away.


Faucet Giveaway: What rhymes with faucet? Schmaucet. Win one via @lynneknowlton @deltafaucetcan https://lynneknowlton.com/roadtrip/


Faucet Giveaway: What rhymes with faucet? Schmaucet. Win one via @lynneknowlton @deltafaucetcan https://lynneknowlton.com/roadtrip/


Faucet Giveaway: What rhymes with faucet? Schmaucet. Win one via @lynneknowlton @deltafaucetcan https://lynneknowlton.com/roadtrip/


Faucet Giveaway: What rhymes with faucet? Schmaucet. Win one via @lynneknowlton @deltafaucetcan https://lynneknowlton.com/roadtrip/



I just want to travel and love.


Planning a road trip & working with sponsors is like looking into a car engine.   You open the hood.  You might as well be looking at the inside of a brain.


Faucet Giveaway: What rhymes with faucet? Schmaucet. Win one via @lynneknowlton @deltafaucetcan https://lynneknowlton.com/roadtrip/



the car

I hopped in a Kia Sorento with Mia Voss and rode shot gun.  LURVE.  It had a panoramic sun roof. Pan-Ohhhh-Ramic.  We used it about 59,498 times.

The Kia also had a nav system.  Hellooo.   It also steered us to every potty stop along the way.  Not that we pee’d a zillion times or anything.  Don’t judge.

We soaked up the scenery.  We chilled the hell out.


Faucet Giveaway: What rhymes with faucet? Schmaucet. Win one via @lynneknowlton @deltafaucetcan https://lynneknowlton.com/roadtrip/


This next photo is Mia …behind the bush…Or …quite possibly… my awful photography skills.  You pick.


Faucet Giveaway: What rhymes with faucet? Schmaucet. Win one via @lynneknowlton @deltafaucetcan https://lynneknowlton.com/roadtrip/

Mad photography skillz


Someone had to tinkle. I have the street smarts and survival skills of a poodle, so therefore I have the skills to pee anywhere.  Apparently there are fences in deserts.  Who knew?


Faucet Giveaway: What rhymes with faucet? Schmaucet. Win one via @lynneknowlton @deltafaucetcan https://lynneknowlton.com/roadtrip/

Whoa.   Don’t  sit  here.



the hotel

Some day, when I return to Denver, I am going to convince the Renaissance that they should let me live there for the rest of my days.  Like, for f.o.r.e.v.e.r.   They wouldn’t even notice me. I’d have a new superpower.  Invisibleness. I’d be as quiet as a mouse.  I’d just invite myself in.

That’s how it works, right?  Right.


Renaissance Denver Downtown via @lynneknowlton https://lynneknowlton.com/roadtrip/



the wine 

Let’s put it this way.  Wine is liquid fermented grapes. Certain alcohol has beneficial antioxidants and I like to fight cancer sometimes.

Wine also encourages me take photos in hallways.  I only tripped once.



Renaissance Denver Downtown via @lynneknowlton https://lynneknowlton.com/roadtrip/


Renaissance Denver Downtown via @lynneknowlton https://lynneknowlton.com/roadtrip/



the mic

Holla!!  We used a mic from Rode.  It was super easy to use, even for a dork like me.  Mia and I recorded 34 videos on the road, using the Rode mic and my camera.  Basically, you attach the mic to the top of the camera, and boom-chicka-wow-wow.

You are the Queen of the Universe.


Faucet Giveaway: What rhymes with faucet? Schmaucet. Win one via @lynneknowlton @deltafaucetcan https://lynneknowlton.com/roadtrip/

No, those are not my manly arms holding the camera.


We tried the mic in a zillion trillion billion gazillion different situations.  Some of which involved alcohol.  Wait.  Who said that?


Drops the mic.  Walks off the stage.



the faucet 

Delta Faucet Canada made our road trip happen.  First of all, I already had a girl crush on Delta.  I also would never ever in the history of ever, write about a product that I don’t massively adore.  Like never ever, Taylor Swift never.  You’d think I was a doofus.  I’d throat punch myself.

I stood in one spot, hyperventilating, the first moment I met a Delta Faucet Canada.  Their faucets are off the chain, freaking gorgeous.  That moment happened years and years ago.

Hard to believe, since I am only 25 years old.  Twice.

Lately, we’ve been renovating a 1976 airstream to make it smell less like 1976 and more like *insert any good smelling thing in here*

I’ve been documenting the journey and disasters here on my instagram.   I love instagram, so I’m obvs an expert. I’m always over there, secretly stalking people that I wish were my bff’s.




Faucet Giveaway: What rhymes with faucet? Schmaucet. Win one via @lynneknowlton @deltafaucetcan https://lynneknowlton.com/roadtrip/


Faucet Giveaway: What rhymes with faucet? Schmaucet. Win one via @lynneknowlton @deltafaucetcan https://lynneknowlton.com/roadtrip/


Faucet Giveaway: What rhymes with faucet? Schmaucet. Win one via @lynneknowlton @deltafaucetcan https://lynneknowlton.com/roadtrip/


Airstream via @lynneknowlton https://lynneknowlton.com/roadtrip/


PS.  I’m losing my mind over the champagne finish. Love it. It’s ridiculous UGH. Dead.



Make your house a HOME… 

My best HOME advice (far better than the time I told my best friend that prunes are something you should consume on the daily..which turned out to be AWFUL advice) is to make your house a home.


Put a wildly beautiful stamp on everything you do.   It doesn’t matter what it is.  A faucet.  A room.  A special place in your home.

A lover.



*insert toothy grin*


Put a wildly beautiful stamp on it 


Guess whaaa?



Delta Faucet Canada is giving away a faucet to you <<—  Yeah, I screamed that.


This contest is a piece of cake.  Did someone mention cake?!!


Faucet Giveaway: What rhymes with faucet? Schmaucet. Win one via @lynneknowlton @deltafaucetcan https://lynneknowlton.com/roadtrip/


Contest deeds: 


Click here.  Pick out your faucet.  Tell me which one you love in the comment section here.  You’ll find the one that is zactly what your looking for.  Legit.

Do it. do it. do it.  <— that was me hypnotizing you.

Don’t miss out.  You’ll kick yourself.  Or worse yet, I’ll kick you and that could be super awkward.

Contest ends Oct 19th.  Get your move on. Get your groove on.

Now drag yourself outta the vortex by your ankles, slam your laptop shut and go make your house a HOME.


You got this.

Drops the mic, walks off the stage.




PS.  Comments are turned off on this page, to keep things easy sneasy peasy. Please enter your faucet choice in the comment section right over here.  MWAH!

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