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What you think about, you bring about | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | Lynne Knowlton

What you think about, you bring about ?!!


OK, then I am thinking about George Clooney.

Bring him on.


Tony Robbins


I would have said Channing Tatum, but he is like 12 years old compared to my age.  I just turned 24 for the second time.

Visuals like that do make my grin hit my ears.  Dream.  Dream big.

I am also thinking about island living.  How about you?


Because holy moly it’s freakin’ cold outside.  Are you frozen ?  It is teeth chattering time of year.  You know the season.  The season where your fingers feel like frozen fish sticks.

Cold weather is where fun goes to die.




 Snow can kiss my butt.  Big time.



Beach, surf, cold drinks, sun , fun, sand



  Welcome to Winter.


If I saw a snowman right now, I would flat out deck him, right on his stupid carrot faced nose.  I would knock his rollie pollie fat head right off his plump shoulders.  I might even be bold enough to jump right on his fat snowman head.

Who beats up a snowman ??!!


I need a holiday.  I want one.  NOW.  Aaaaaand I want it to come with a cabana boy.  A hawt cabana boy.  With some loin cloth on or something.  I don’t even care if he is wearing anything.

Naked is fine.

Jokes.  Serious.

I’m just kidding.  Not really.  Seriously.

Beach life

sun sand and surf

Some people like snow.  Some people love it.  Riddle me that.   I don’t do snow well.   I get all sorts of uncomfortable just thinking about snow.   Snow can just suck it.

Grand entrance :



5 Reasons why WATER solves everything :


1.   Need a break from it all ?  Just think about the ocean and your mind will go to a beautiful place.

sun sand and surf


I get so excited thinking about island living that I almost pass out.  Well, at least I start chewing my gum really fast and I rock back and forth on my feet.  Like a happy idiot. Wishing for island living.


Do you want to know what wise people say ??!!

 Be careful what you wish for.  You just might get it.

I need to repeat that.

Be careful what you wish for.  You just might get it.


I don’t know about you, but I am not taking any chances, and I am putting it out there.

 While you’re at it, universe, I would also like a cabana boy & full time housekeeper for my beach hut.

There.  The cat is outta the bag.

What’s your message to the universe ?


Write it down.  Get it out there.  Say it to yourself, over and over again.

It is EPIC to dream.  Give it a try.

We all want to have our cake and we all want to eat it too.

 Nothing wrong with that, my friends.

Everything is RIGHT about that.

What you think about, you bring about.

What you think about, you bring about. Read about it on DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE blog. lynneknowlton.com

Slow down life. Breathe it all in.

 Are you in for dreaming up a slice of awesomeness ?

Get your visualization on.


You won’t believe how much fun you can have in your head.

I'm sick of following my dreams.
  I'm just going to ask where they are going, and follow them.

Let’s play the game of : what could go wrong ?


Nothing could go wrong.


What you THINK about, you BRING about...read about it on DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE lynneknowlton.com

2.Still feeling stressed ?  Have you ever found yourself in hot water ? Oh hells ya.  Want to know how to get out of hot water?  Get into hot water.


Take a beautifully hot bubble bath.  Light a candle.  Ignore the world.  Everything that went wrong, will suddenly feel right again.  If not, well at least you will be clean and you may smell good too.  BONUS.

What you THINK about, you BRING about...read about it on DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE lynneknowlton.com


3.  Hungover ? Drink water.  I personally would never drink enough liquor to get hungover.  LIE.  I personally hate drinking water. TRUTH

Back to visualizing the ocean.  Stop hating on my bad-ass.  We need to think sun, fun and sand.

Here we go…..

What you THINK about, you BRING about...read about it on DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE lynneknowlton.com


4.Want to have your skin, nails & hair feeling hydrated and healthy ? Sip that water missy. Or mister.   You should care too.  Men who are nicely groomed are HAWT.  Pay attention, men…that makes women WILD.

If you smell good …. well…. some woman is going to tap your quesadilla.  Foooshur.

 You’re welcome.

5.  Kids having a freak out ?  Put them in water.  It works every time.  I have FOUR kids.  They are all awesome, but that could change on a moments notice.

When it does…. In the bath they go …..


What you THINK about, you BRING about...read about it on DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE lynneknowlton.com


Water solves everything.

Told ya.


PS. I couldn’t resist sharing a water video/clip with you.  I don’t know jack about YouTube but I am sure as hell gonna give it a try.

Are you up for a wee laugh and a little grossness too ? Wait, you might want to cover your eyes for this one…. Just listening to the video clip is good enough.   And gross.  All at once.  Here you go :



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Subscribe to the blog. It's funny.  It's fun.  | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | Lynne Knowlton

It is that easy.

Easy as pie.  Or dog spit.

Same, same.

But different.



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