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Christmas made EASY & free Christmas Card Printables https://lynneknowlton.com/christmas-in-the-treehouse/

Drink.  That will make your Christmas MERRY.  Jokes.  Kinda.

Okay, okay.  I have three printable Christmas card photos for you.  That will make you Merry!!   They are free.  Skip to the bottom of the post if you want an instant download.





At this time of year, words like … relaxed  … laid back … simple … easy going…well  … they are quite simply the best words evvah.

FAVE words, really.

Dude, life can be a crazy straw.  It’s especially crazy during holiday times.

We all need to hit the rewind button every now and again.

Christmas made EASY & free Christmas Card Printables https://lynneknowlton.com/christmas-in-the-treehouse/

Ahhh, keep it simple

Keep it simple

Why not have an easy going Christmas this year?  Getting organized for Christmas can already start to feel like you’re herding cats.   There’s such a massive build up, it can sometimes cause a massive lunch bag let down.

Huge expectations.

Too many plans and not enough hours in a day.  It can make you weak in the knees, just thinking about it.

Not this year.  It’s not going to happen to YOU.   Together, we are going to keep it simple.

Gratitude changes everything & free Christmas Card Printables https://lynneknowlton.com/christmas-in-the-treehouse/


{ for going green and keeping it simple }

Celebrate with free Christmas card printables https://lynneknowlton.com/christmas-in-the-treehouse/


Christmas time can just creep up on you outta nowhere.

It happens.

You waittttt for it.  Right?!  You really waaiiiiiiiiiiit for it.

Then.  Suddenly.  It’s here.

It happens that fast.

For Canadians, the snow is already here.

Snow = Holiday season

Snow always makes me want to punch a snowman in the face.

But, in the spirit of MERRY, I thought I’d share some festive snow snow ho ho with you…

Christmas made EASY & free Christmas Card Printables https://lynneknowlton.com/christmas-in-the-treehouse/

The only way to truly get through this season enjoyably, is to try with all your might to keep it simple.

The best way I could think of to start off this holiday season was to keep it really straight forward.

 I decorated everything with natural greenery and twinkle lights.

I started with the treehouse.

{{ Psssst.  You don’t need a treehouse to do this.}}

HOW can you do it?  

Search for green branches and twigs.  Look in your backyard.  Look in your neighbours backyard.  I’ll bet you a zillion dollars that there’s something green in there that you can use for your holiday decor.

I’m hoping it’s pine trees.  Not weed.

*insert big toothy grin*


Never mind.

I digress.

This stuff  is all around you.  It’s natural.  It’s real.

‘Have clippers will travel’  Just travel around your neighbourhood.  Clip your neighbours trees.  They won’t notice a few twigs missing.   Clip branches from the side of the road.  There is wild greenery everywhere, my friend.


If it’s green, clip it.  Shove it in your car.  Drive fast.  Run for the hills.

Get home quick.


I’m so proud of you right now.

Christmas made EASY & free Christmas Card Printables https://lynneknowlton.com/christmas-in-the-treehouse/


Just grab some pine cones, pine branches and anything that even remotely looks green.

Go with it.  Maybe even some red twigs.

Get creative!

Price = Free.

Grab a branch here.  Snag a branch there.


Christmas decorating, au naturale.

Who needs  a treehouse?  You only need a tree (and a few of its branches)

Christmas made EASY & free Christmas Card Printables https://lynneknowlton.com/christmas-in-the-treehouse/


This style of Christmas is not only affordable,  it feels good.  Because, as long as you feel good, the rest are just details.

You’ll find that a simple Christmas with soft lights and greenery will just light you up.

The grand shinanegans of wildly plastic neon ornaments and bright flashing lights can potentially wind you up.  Don’t go there.

We need to wind it down.

Christmas made EASY & free Christmas Card Printables https://lynneknowlton.com/christmas-in-the-treehouse/

You don’t need change-the-world holiday goals. You just need enjoy your world holiday goals.

Make your holiday goals to be a time to ….

Chill it.

Enjoy it.

Live it.

Get back to the ahhhh feeling of Christmas.

Christmas made EASY & free Christmas Card Printables https://lynneknowlton.com/christmas-in-the-treehouse/

Not gonna lie, the setting of a treehouse makes it pretty easy to decorate with natural greenery, twigs and pine cones.

No worries, remember, you definitely don’t need a treehouse to pull off that kind of ho-ho-ho season.

Anyone can do this natural greenery decor.


Yes, that’s you.

Get great Christmas ideas for your home!

Treehouse & Christmas ideas on the blog!

#Christmas made EASY -->> https://lynneknowlton.com/christmas-in-the-treehouse/

#Christmas made EASY -->> https://lynneknowlton.com/christmas-in-the-treehouse/

The greenery.  The natural stuff.  The real deal.  It’ll make you gasp.  It’s THAT pretty.


In the spirit of Merry, I made Merry Christmas card printables for you.

Okay, I’m going to stop saying Merry now. 🙂

You’ll feel so proud of yourself for getting ahead of the game.  I feel like there should be a wild crowd cheering right now.  Maybe some trumpets or something?!

Ready for some free Christmas card printables?

{{Click on each photo for your free instant download}}

Print these photos on card stock and make a greeting card.  Print them small as a gift tag.  Print them just for inspiration.  Stick them on your wall.  Let’s get the hohoho spirit going.

See, I didn’t say Merry.

1.  Click here for the Merry Christmas printable or on the photo below …

Christmas made EASY & free Christmas Card Printables https://lynneknowlton.com/christmas-in-the-treehouse/

2.  Click here for the HoHoHo printable or on the photo below :

  Christmas made EASY & free Christmas Card Printables https://lynneknowlton.com/christmas-in-the-treehouse/


3.  Click here for the Treehouse Christmas Card printable, or on the photo below :


Christmas made EASY & free Christmas Card Printables https://lynneknowlton.com/christmas-in-the-treehouse/


Let’s celebrate.  You have some Christmas cards now.


Yeah!!  Let’s drink.

Homemade Baileys Recipe https://lynneknowlton.com/homemade-baileys-recipe/

Homemade Baileys Recipe https://lynneknowlton.com/homemade-baileys-recipe/

Let’s celebrate with a sip of homemade baileys.  Sip. Sip.


I feel better already. You?


Christmas made EASY & free Christmas Card Printables https://lynneknowlton.com/christmas-in-the-treehouse/

Want more?  Geesh, demanding 🙂  If you follow me on instagram, you’ll see some amazeballs Christmas inspiration rolling out this month.  I plan on impressing myself  this month.

{Yeah, because I needed another excuse to celebrate and drink the homemade baileys.Ha!}      

It’s soon to be the time of year when we’ll all be jonesin for eggnog (errhhh baileys) and the sound of Elvis Christmas songs.

Until then, remember this…. keep it simple.

Have some fun.

Don’t cave to the pressure of trying to be perfect.

Most importantly, be yourself.

 Just be you.

Unless you are an elf.  Be an elf if you are an elf.


SHOP THE POST  handy links :

The one thing that I do ‘purchase’ and not steal from the side of the roads, is clear mini lights (with a white cord)  and clear white mini lights ( on a green cord).

I use them year-round inside the house (that’s a whole other blog post) LOL and outdoor mini lights on the grapevine balls in the trees.

Merry HohO !

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