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App crush: This photo app is amazeballs. Stamped it.


That’s right.

Knock those socks right off your feet.

Your feet will be full of nakedness. Get ready for it.

FotoRus  Photo App

It freakin’ rocks out loud.

It’s my photo app bestie.

#FotoRus #photoApp via @lynneknowlton It's epic. It will knock your socks off. Gorgy gorgeous photos the easy way ! Free downloadable full of epic photo apps!



Here’s the best part :

It’s Free FREE, Free, Fahhhhreeeee.

The birds are chirpin’. The songs are singing.  Singing to the tune of free free free.

FotoRus is my photo app dope.

And Instagram is my dealer.

FotoRus is one of my wee trade secrets.

Pay attention.  That’s one smoking hawt great tip.

Here is how it works :

Take a shitty photo. { I excel at that one }. I usually need to hold my phone in one hand, and chase squirrels out of the tree house simultaneously.  Seriously.  My life is that whacked.

 My treehouse squirrels are stealing my sanity.

One pine cone at a time.  More about those buggers squirrels later.

#FotoRus #photoApp via @lynneknowlton It's epic. It will knock your socks off. Gorgy gorgeous photos the easy way ! Free downloadable full of epic photo apps!

Laugh Out Loud


Create photo app miracles in photo apps like FotoRus, Cartoonatic  and Hipstamatic.

Share on instagram.  P.S. Instagram is the best thing since sliced bread.

It’s the dope.

#FotoRus #photoApp via @lynneknowlton It's epic. It will knock your socks off. Gorgy gorgeous photos the easy way ! Free downloadable full of epic photo apps!

Hipstamatic  Photo  App


INSTAGRAM is d’bomb dot com.

You better go and follow me @lynneknowlton.  Or I will arm wrestle you to the ground.

Great, unique photos are essential if you are a blogger. Hellloooooo.

Otherwise, you will hear crickets.  What’s that ??!!


You can hear a pin drop.

AKA a blogger nightmare.

#FotoRus #photoApp via @lynneknowlton It's epic. It will knock your socks off. Gorgy gorgeous photos, the easy way ! Free downloadable full of epic photo apps!

Eiffel Tower Luuuuurve

Ready to take the photo app plunge?  This is how you do it.

Go to iTunes and download the app.


Don’t do it, unless you are totally ready to make all your photos look dead sexy.

#FotoRus #photoApp via @lynneknowlton It's epic. It will knock your socks off. Gorgy gorgeous photos the easy way ! Free downloadable full of epic photo apps!

FotoRus  &  Fish  Eye  filter


Good times ahead.

Here are some samples of what the app can do :

#FotoRus #photoApp via @lynneknowlton It's epic. It will knock your socks off. Gorgy gorgeous photos the easy way ! Free downloadable full of epic photo apps!

PIC-in- PIC  Filter


#FotoRus #photoApp via @lynneknowlton It's epic. It will knock your socks off. Gorgy gorgeous photos the easy way ! Free downloadable full of epic photo apps!

Paint & Lighting Filter


#FotoRus #photoApp via @lynneknowlton It's epic. It will knock your socks off. Gorgy gorgeous photos the easy way ! Free downloadable full of epic photo apps!

FotoRus &  PAINT  filter


#FotoRus #photoApp via @lynneknowlton It's epic. It will knock your socks off. Gorgy gorgeous photos the easy way ! Free downloadable full of epic photo apps!

BALI  fishing  boat – PAINT  filter


That’s right.  I painted that boat photo.


{ Insert toothy grin here }

PAINT FILTER to the rescue.  Coolio, huh?

In my spare time, I painted these too….

#FotoRus #photoApp via @lynneknowlton It's epic. It will knock your socks off. Gorgy gorgeous photos the easy way ! Free downloadable full of epic photo apps!

PAINT  effect


Oh,  I have such a way with a paint brush.

I lie.

#FotoRus #photoApp via @lynneknowlton It's epic. It will knock your socks off. Gorgy gorgeous photos the easy way ! Free downloadable full of epic photo apps!

PAINT effect


So what do you think of it?  Knock your socks off ?  Guess what else it does?


Collage !

Helloooooooo….Come to Mama ….

#FotoRus #photoApp via @lynneknowlton It's epic. It will knock your socks off. Gorgy gorgeous photos the easy way ! Free downloadable full of epic photo apps!



As a blogger and instagrammer, I was LOST on how to make a collage.

The easy way.

I like easy.

Cheap and easy.

Shut it.

How about free and easy?  That sounds nice, doesn’t it?  FREE and EASY.

Ahhhh, music to our ears.

You like easy, right?

Great, I knew I liked you.

If you would like an instantly downloadable kickAss Photo app book to make your life easy, you can get that by clicking here.  It’s epic.  I can promise you that.  It’s free.

 It is my insider tips  &  tricks to photo apps !

You won’t want to miss that.  It will knock your socks off.


#FotoRus #photoApp via @lynneknowlton It's epic. It will knock your socks off. Gorgy gorgeous photos the easy way ! Free downloadable full of epic photo apps!



You can create collages in all different shapes and sizes.

#FotoRus #photoApp via @lynneknowlton It's epic. It will knock your socks off. Gorgy gorgeous photos the easy way ! Free downloadable full of epic photo apps!

KISS ME. Kiss me NOW.


#FotoRus #photoApp via @lynneknowlton It's epic. It will knock your socks off. Gorgy gorgeous photos the easy way ! Free downloadable full of epic photo apps!Note: these photos were no hot hell when I started.  Just basic pics.

 Then I threw them into the app and BAMM…my socks blew off.

 My feet were naked.  * bliss *

You can do crazy stuff like this too :

#FotoRus #photoApp via @lynneknowlton It's epic. It will knock your socks off. Gorgy gorgeous photos the easy way ! Free downloadable full of epic photo apps!


And you can go hog wild with colour too….


Colour it puuuurty :

#FotoRus #photoApp via @lynneknowlton It's epic. It will knock your socks off. Gorgy gorgeous photos the easy way ! Free downloadable full of epic photo apps!




#FotoRus #photoApp via @lynneknowlton It's epic. It will knock your socks off. Gorgy gorgeous photos the easy way ! Free downloadable full of epic photo apps!

FotoRus PHOTO APP with LOMO-C filter

FotoRus is like a photography superman. Cape and all.  To your photo rescue.

I just wish it had muscles like superman.

Maybe even fly over skyscrapers wearing spandex.

Sexy hair, a naughty phone booth, and the ripping off of the shirt in a moments notice….

How hawt is that?

Who could ask for more ?



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