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Rain Chains Are Sexy & Cheap AND Won’t Get You In Trouble With Your Spouse

Except my spouse.  Rain chains get me in trouble with him.

I don’t know why.  { insert ‘pretend’ innocent face }

TRUTH: Rain chains are sexy and they are cheap.  I was going to say that about my spouse too.  Dang.  I think I just got myself into trouble.

I found some gorgeous rain chains here in good ol’ Amazon. Sooooo pretty! And so affordable! There are black, copper, all kinds of colours and styles. LOVE.

Here’s a rain chain explanation.  I stole the ‘xplanation off of the internet somewhere.

Rain chains are an alternative way for the rain water to travel from your gutter to the ground. By replacing your standard downspout with a RAIN CHAIN, you can create an effective, beautiful ‘waterfall’.  The rain trickles down in such a pleasing manner with a zen-like sound.  It is a truly a stunning alternative to a standard rain downspout.



A no fuss natural.

Eco loveliness.

A moving water sculpture.

Organically stunning.

In my humble, green opinion.  

Green with freaking envy opinion.

I have been trying to rip our downspouts off our house for years now and install rain chain loveliness.  Mostly when my husband wasn’t looking.  Married men have some sort of husband sixth sense.  They have eyes in the back of their heads.  ‘Wife spy’ eyes. They seem to know when our idea wheels are turning.  It must be written all over our foreheads or something.

 Note: Wash forehead before speaking to husband. Obv.

This is the biweekly, weekly, bimonthly, monthly YEARLY RAIN CHAIN CONVO that Michael and I have:

Me :   Hey hun, what do you think about installing some rain chains this year?

Michael :   You say that to me every single year.

Me :   Yup.

Michael :   They don’t work.

Me :   They have been working in Japan since ..well… F.O.R.E.V.E.R.

Michael :  Ohhh really? Mmmmm. Well, maybe next year.

Me :  (using my inside voice) Men suck. (here’s a funny thing about that.)

CONCLUSION:  I will need to live my rain chain dreams vicariously through you for one more year.  Next year, the temper tantrums will continue begin.

We women suffer.  We suffer because of Pinterest.  And the Internet.  

Do you have any idea how many great rain chain images are out there?

Mind blowing ideas are freakin’ everywhere.   No fair.

Don’t worry.  I summarized all the goodies right here in the blog post. I saved you the leg work.

You’re welcome.

Maybe it will work on your husband.

Just remember to tell him that the rain chains are sexy and cheap.

 Men like those words.  Sexy AND Cheap.

I will give you the ‘Rain Chain DIY know-how‘ and you can send me pictures.  Deal?  Deal.

You can send them to me via instagram.  You can find me here.

SEND ME YOUR PHOTOS of your rain chains.

I can then glue them all over the side of my house.  That will show Michael how good the rain chains COULD look, if they were ACTUALLY hanging on our house.

Until the day comes, I can DREAM of RAIN CHAINS.

Dream with me.

How do you spell G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S ?

You spell it with copper, man.


Where did the original rain chain idea come from ?  I think JAPAN, but don’t quote me on that one.

{ I had to quote someone else }


What originated in Japan hundreds of years ago, the kusari doi, or “chain gutter,” is a simple way to carry rain to the ground in an aesthetically pleasing manner. The Japanese have used these chains on temples and homes over the years with the sole purpose of embracing the beauty of a rain-filled day.

Big words.  Not mine.

Either way, I did the research for you.  I didn’t want to just write…

” Look at these rain chains.  They are pretty.  Your husband should install them. “

Let’s face it, a downspout is not typically a thing of beauty.  But it has beauty potential.

I love how the chains can quite simply break the fall of the water and can even acquire a natural patina over time.

They age beautifully.

Like nice wine.  Like aged cheese.  Like George Clooney.


  • into the ground
  • or into a gravel/pebble/river rock bed
  • or into some sort of catchment (rain barrel, small lily pond )

The rain barrel/pond can also be used for catching frogs.  Or for water fights.  Or having an afternoon dip.

With George Clooney.

 Rain rain everywhere. The more it rains, the more you swear. Unless you have rain chains.

Happy rainy days,


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