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How I discovered my fave loungewear pajamas : I went for walk, saw a drunk racoon, got locked in a hut, kicked down a door and discovered my fave jammies. Read the story. See our curated cozy lounging faves and how life in the countryside can be a little bit weird.

Apr 18

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Hold please. I gotta go wash my hands again.  The world feels so upside down and none of us are sure what to think, so we thought we’d give you something ahhhhh to think about. Comfy. Cozy. Loungewear. That’s what this post is all about. That, and half written grammatically incorrect sentences. And how I got […]

It sucked and then I cried : How I went for walk, saw a drunk racoon, got locked in a hut, kicked down a door and discovered my fave jammies.

TOGETHER AT HOME: How to cope with life on lockdown …. P.S. Has anyone told the Amish?


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Hellooooo, it’s Tristan writing today xo and yes, that’s my Dad at his computer. Keeping it real around here, haha. That photo cracks me up. Yes, he is fast asleep. The last two weeks have been surreal, haven’t they? Who would have ever dreamt that something like this would happen in our lifetime? We may […]

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Five last minute gift ideas | #DIY gift ideas, personalized experience boxes and curated gift guides!

Apr 1


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Here are my HOUSE RULES. Read the list. I swear, it isn't boring. www.lynneknowlton.com

Feb 22

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It’s noooooo secret that I’m obsessed with life at home. I spend my days redesigning spaces, in my head. I imagine different interior layouts, move furniture 1373957 ways around a room, prep ‘lifestyle’ vignettes (whatever that means) and fantasize about different ways to make pajamas acceptable at all times of the day. I get like, […]

House rules that make total sense to me and absolutely no one else in the world.

How to find your person …


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Annnnnd manifest your dreams into reality. Todays post is written by Tristan. xo Enjoy…. I love talking about relationships with my girlfriends, the new beginnings, the messy parts that no one sees, the beautiful parts that people feel weird bragging about. I love the gush and the realness. I grew up watching one of the […]

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How to write a letter of LOVE : You can write about career goals, personal goals, whatever you want to manifest. In my case I wrote about the kind of love I wanted. You can start your letter... Dear Angels, help me attract this into my life... When you're finished writing, fold up your letter and put it in a safe place. Read more on LynneKnowlton.com

Feb 13


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Your search is over. You found the coolest spot. Get on our email list and receive 10 free downloadable wallpapers | https://lynneknowlton.com

Feb 7

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 Free digital wallpaper. Woot! So after years of writing blog posts, I thought it’d be fun (read: absolutely terrifying) to try something new this time around. Ready for it? Wait for it. Waiiiiiiiit for it.  I’ve been creating …. Printables.  Downloadables.  Allllll the ables.  For yo’ walls. And yo’ phone. Your life is about to […]

10 free digital wallpaper designs that will make you want to CARPE the hell outta every DIEM.

It doesn’t need to be stressful decluttering your life & home. I mean, it probably will be, but I’m here to help.

My home

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As you are plowing through your day, do you ever feel like saying… OMG, are you for efffffing real? Some days you feel like slaying dragons. Other days, you feel like you just want to lay on the carpet. Yup. I said carpet. The last time someone said carpet was 1992. hahaha. Let’s face it… […]

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14 things to make your home feel more like… well…HOME. My quirks + house rules | LynneKnowlton.com

Jan 24


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Video : We hope that by sharing our cancer story we empower others with love and light to make a difference in the lives of those battling cancer. Be a part of our #WeCANcerVive movement and make a positive difference in the fight against cancer. Together, we cancer-vive.

Dec 13

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Cancer : There are FEARS. Fancy meeting you here, old friend. It’s been a looooooong time since I’ve written an update on Michaels cancer. Right now, I’m actually stuck for the right words to say so I just blurted a bunch of words on to this page and hit publish. And Michael made this video for […]

Together : We CANcer-vive

Let’s talk Black Friday deals. I swear I won’t hit you with a sequin pillow.


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Erhhhmergerd, it’s Black Friday!!!  Sorry to scream at you first thing in the morning. How’s it going so far? Are you at work, pretending to work?  Sleeping in? Spazzing out? Both? Neither? Okay bye.  JK. Wait. I have some sale codes for you. As I gathered the sale codes together, my heartbeat immediately fell through […]

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Nov 29


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Nov 22

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Do you know what rhymes with Friday? VODKA. We are using it to whip up some homemade baileys and spike our coffee for our Friday Love Notes today. There’s a free downloadable recipe card. And cake. Of course there’s cake. Cake solves everything. What’s new with me? 1. Didja know that my daughter Tristan is […]

Friday LOVE Notes : Ask me anything …

Special home things