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PRINTABLE: Christmas gift tag | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | www.LynneKnowlton.com

Dec 21

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  It’s wrapping time! Annnnnnd I swear, I’ll keep this post short, because I know you have 120,978 other Christmas-ness-necessaries to get through… cookies to bake…shenanigans to wrap… chasing your cat outta the living room while attempting to keep him from knocking the tree down. {again}… drinking baileys… important stuff like that.   Holiday priorities, people.   And […]

PRINTABLE : Christmas Gift Tags & Cheer *hiccup*

10 reasons why cancer is like a drunken sailor


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    Why is cancer like a drunken sailor?   You just never know what they’re gonna do. Cancer has a way of picking a fight with a person, don’tcha think?  It’s a gut wrenching mofo.  The big C has a way of stepping in and turning things upside down.  It sometimes takes an organ […]

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Why cancer is like a drunken sailor | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | www.LynneKnowlton.com

Nov 17


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Delta Faucet Giveaway | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | www.LynneKnowlton.com

Oct 13

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  There’s a ginormous announcement today, so you better sit ‘yer butt down. We got this.  I’m personally a professional.sitter.downer.  I don’t run unless I’m being chased. Where were we?  A ginormous giveaway worth $700 smackers.  It’s all very badassery. We can do badassery.  Right?  Right.     I also have another wee announcement…. I don’t like […]

GIVEAWAY: What rhymes with faucet?  Schmaucet.  Win one. 

Airstream + Treehouse + Cancer = wild west of nuttiness


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Todays blog post is a little bit of everything. Cancer. Treehouse Shenanigans. Airstream renovations.  It’s wild!  A real smorgasbord of things in life that make you go ackkkk and ahhhh, all at once.  Like life, it’s fast and  bass ackwards. Where’ve you been?   JK.  It was me.  I was MIA there for a while.   I […]

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Want to live the RV life? Have you ever thought about buying an RV and road tripping? We bought a vintage airstream, renovated it and did an RV road trip! Want to know how to renovate an RV, find the best places to stay and live life on the road? We are answering your questions here...

Aug 28


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Is being popular in Instagram like being rich in Monopoly? | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | www.Lynne Knowlton.com

Jun 12

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Instagram is such a wild beast, isn’t it?  For some, it’s a place to dabble and for others it’s a place to monetize like WHOA, ka-ching ka-ching.   For better or worse, it’s the place where brands, retailers and bloggers are exploding onto the scene.  I’ll share my fave instagram editing tools (video!!), how to monetize your instagram […]

Is being popular in Instagram like being rich in Monopoly?

Life lately: Do you know what rhymes with Friday? Vodka


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  What have you been up to, chicken poo?  I’ve missed you.  Wait.  I’m a poet and I didn’t know it.  Ugh.  Should I just throat punch MYSELF? What have I been up to lately?!!   I’ve been getting it on with my treehouse, road trips and my husband.  TMI?  Let’s just go with it. Truth is.. I’m […]

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Life lately | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | www.lynneknowlton.com

May 15


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How to make homemade curtain rods with TWIGS! So beautiful & easy to do! | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | www.lynneknowlton.com

Mar 18

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Have you always thought that most curtain rods are meh?  Are your curtain rods worse than bad?  Negative good?  *Looks around nervously. Chews thumb.* Does a curtain rod price tag make your face do this? —>  @!!$ ? Well, cupcake… that’s all about to change.     Wave bye bye to your fugly curtain rods because we […]

How to make a gorgy gorgeous twig curtain rod

Why Blogging is Like Walking a Tightrope Buck Naked


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Learning how to be a top drawer, fearlessly authentic, back of the bus, kickass blogger can be a cluster-you-know-what-er of mixed emotions, raw talent and hard work while simultaneously tapping your head, rubbing your belly and sticking to what you do best.

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Why blogging is like walking a tight rope buck naked | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | www.lynneknowlton.com

Feb 17


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TREEHOUSE: Love Parade music video | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | www.lynneknowlton.com

Jan 19

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Humongous. Yeah. That’s the size of my announcement today, so you better sit yourself down. Todays post is a wild mix of 10 epic tips for a kickass life AND a music video.

The music video was filmed here on our property and in the treehouse! If you love video, music and treehouses ~ you can skip to the end of this post and have a watch. Then come on back. I’ll wait for you. xx

TREEHOUSE : Love Parade music video

Special home things