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Jan 10

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It happened.  The holidays ended.  Damn it.  I’m super bummed that inhaling sweets and mainlining whipped creamed pumpkin pie came to a grinding halt. I ate my way across Ontario.  I should have jogged back home.  I didn’t.  I’d rather eat a bucket of dirt than jog. I’d need to nap. The good news is […]

Dr. Oz 3 Day Detox Cleanse for Skinny Hips & Fast Lips

Are you dreaming of a white Christmas?


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  I have a special delivery for you today.   A WHITE CHRISTMAS       Yup.  I put my elf hat on, and made a little snow for you.  Because I love you like that.   There’s something peaceful about snow, isn’t there? It’s quiet.   The staggering simplicity of white snow just puts […]

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A beautiful Christmas | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | Lynne Knowlton

Dec 24


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10 Ways to Know if You are in a Shopping Mall during Christmas season | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | Lynne Knowlton

Dec 13

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‘Tis the season to be tralalalala jolly … fa la la la la…lalalalalalalaaaaa… Whatever.   Have you ever noticed that Christmas season multiplies everything by ten thousand million?? It magnifies everything to the ennnth degree of ridiculousness. Such seriousness takes the fun outta Christmas. Let’s practice the art of …. Take it easy.   Let’s have […]

Merry HoHo ~ ‘Tis the season to check your balls

Hello my name is ______ & I’m a FONTaholic


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  Have you ever browsed a website, and wondered what gorgy gorgeous font it was? There are about fourteen thousand trillion billion gazillion fonts out there in the cyberverse.  How do you find out which one is which? I have a magic secret for you.   You will be able to discover the name of […]

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Hello my name is ____ & I'm a fontaholic | Do you love fonts & typography?! | Check this out ! | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | Lynne Knowlton

Nov 22


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Tell 10 words that describe YOU | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | www.lynneknowlton.com

Nov 14

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  Pour yourself a stiff cup of energy mud.  Coffee will give you an unrealistic expectation of productivity.  Perfect.  You need that right now.   Chomp down on a chunky bar of chocolate.   Get a sugar high, and then peel yourself off of the ceiling.   You are on a mission.   You have […]

10 Words To Describe YOU. GO !

15 Things to Never Say or Do in PARIS


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Ready to get your Frenchie on? Ready to take a road trip down Frenchie lane to Paris today? Ready to learn about Parisians and life in Paris ? Oh la la…. Have I got a surprise for you. There is a delicious something-something in this blog post for you. Parisians aren’t as bad as you […]

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15 things to never say or do in Paris | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | Lynne Knowlton

Nov 1


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How to increase your blog comments | BEST wordpress plugin | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | Lynne Knowlton

Oct 25

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Get ready.  This blog post is laced with sass.  I’m going to give it to you damn straight.   You might want to cover your ears. I will be screaming throughout this entire blog post. Get your mad on.  Pretend all words are written in caps lock.  Do you feel your inner growling grrrrhhh yet?! […]

Leaving a blog comment should be sh*ts & giggles NOT throat punching

11 Super-Dope-Rad entrepreneurs you must read. STAT.


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I have a disease. It’s contagious. It’s called awesome. We all need to share in spreading awesomeness, don’t we? Let’s celebrate the awesome. Starting now. Ladies and Gentlemen… start your woot-woot engines!!  Vroom. Vroom.     I’m spreading the contagious awesomeness to you. My  fault. Your problem.   Okay…. alrighty now, don’t go thinking I am […]

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Super-Dope-Rad entrepreneurs you must read. STAT. | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | Lynne Knowlton

Sep 27


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It's about YOU | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | Lynne Knowlton

Sep 20

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Sing along with me : You and Me… Sitting in a tree. K – I – S S – I – N – G Never mind about the rest of that song, it doesn’t really work here.  I don’t want to have a baby with you.   I just want to know more about you. […]

It’s about ME. It’s about YOU.

Special home things