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The best avocado tips, tricks & recipes! It's soooo DELISH!! | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | Lynne Knowlton

Jul 15

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  AVOCAADOOS for life. Tis an avo life for meee.     Tips and tricks on how to become an Avocado GURU Hi, I’m Tristan, Lynne Knowlton’s favourite daughter.  I work for her behind the scenes on her blog to give her more time to do the things she loves –> write blog posts, cook, travel, grocery […]

D’best avocado tips, tricks & recipes! DELISH

Where in the WORLD are you?


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  Wooohoooo !! Hello lovely !! It’s almost holiday time and time for drinking liquid fermented grapes. Don’t forget to be awesome. Don’t sip too much out-ta the crazy straw.  You’ll be moving slower than jello and I might have to make fun of you. As a writer, you are my person.  Without you, there wouldn’t be […]

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Where in the world are you? | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | www.lynneknowlton.com

Jul 4


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Jun 20

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Go ahead.  Shut the front door.  Now run for it.  Sprint your buttocks straight to the sofa. JUMP! Whoomphfff. Have you landed your butt down on the fluffy sofa?  Ahhh, good.     Grab a fantabulous book and chillax.  That’s what finding the sweet spot in life is all about, my friend.   Whisking your mind off […]

Grab book. Sit down. Whoomphff. READ. Ahhhh…

Be weird. Normal is the new boring.


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    Helllooooo Pumpkin !  Have I told you lately ?  Have I really told you?  Man, I lurve ya and I’ve missed ya.   Get ready.   This month is going to be a hot one on the blog.  I have some awesomeness lined up for you, YOU and you.   Where  have you […]

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Be weird, normal is the new boring | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | www.lynneknowlton.com

Jun 6


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How to blog when you're blogstipated | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | Lynne Knowlton

Mar 21

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          Burned out?  Have you ever practiced the art of un-working?  Are you a blogger?  Have you stepped away from your blog and unblogged?  Unplugged?  Did you hit the road, Jack?  Sometimes it is necessary to step back and breathe.  Rinse and Repeat.  Take a load off.  Unwind, even when you […]

How to blog when you’re blogstipated

{Sadness} It’s a dogs life, excuse the drool


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  Things had been going pretty swell so far on the bloggy, wouldn’t you agree?  We laugh. We do fun stuff.  We hang out.  It’s like we just get each other.  I like it.  You are all that, and a bag of chips.  I could do this all the live long day.   Just for […]

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SAD: It's a dogs life. When your family pet dies. LOVE lived here. | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | Lynne Knowlton

Feb 21


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Roots Canada | Canadian Love Story & living life with cancer | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | Lynne Knowlton

Feb 17

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    I usually have a ‘no seriousness allowed’ policy on the bloggy posts.  I might have broken that rule today.  I definitely broke that rule today.   It’s been a beautiful week and a sad ( I don’t even like to use that word on the blog) week, all wrapped up in a cabin […]

A Canadian LOVE STORY, sprinkled with cancer

Wrecking Ball Parody: It will wreck you LAUGHING


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  This week has been a flaming hot mess and I was wrecked. Wrecking Ball. WRECKED  Have you ever had one of those weeks, and it has only just begun?  You know the kind. The kind where you want to have a cigarette and a nap, and you don’t even smoke. I’ve been there, done […]

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Wrecking ball parody | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | Lynne Knowlton

Jan 29


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Is google plus the grand poohbah or a jerk face? Read more to find out | DESIGN THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE | Lynne Knowlton

Jan 27

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Let’s talk about that.  Let’s talk behind the back of Google Plus. Just for a sec.  Shhhh. The elephant is in the room.  His big fat elephant butt is sitting on the table.    Grand  Poobah   or   Jerk  Face?   My initial reaction :  JERK FACE all the way, man.   If Google […]

Is Google + the Grand Poobah or a Jerk Face?

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